Title: Sentry at The Gates Post by: Lucas Gabriel on June 12, 2007, 09:13:51 pm Lead By: Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman
Attending: Zoie Hayden, Juniour Guardsman Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant Mercy, Watchman Falconheart, Watchman Darrav Ulcrus, Guardsman Recruit Gabriel Drachen, Watchman Erik Arkay, Senior Guardsman(late arrival) Delcarakdur arranged a sentry at the Cove Gates. We quickly got to it arriving at the gates and lining up. His first order was for the archers to go gather hides for the sentry, leaving the rest of us to assemble the framework for the walls. The Archers soon returned and we began the construction, with a little trouble from a drunk who got in our way, Hoagie and the others soon removed him and we finished up the construction. Delcarakdur soon ordered me and two other guardsmen to patrol the Orc Fort. While we were gone it would seem another Clan of orcs attacked the sentry. As we arrived back we found the battle still waging, I managed to assist Erik in dispatching one of the creatures while the others dealt with the rest. We soon returned to the barracks and were dismissed. Some others joined during the orc attack, the battle was too hectic for me to paint any pictures or identify those who came, So my apologies if you were left out, sign below the report if you were there. (http://img519.imageshack.us/img519/3589/senrep2rg2.jpg) Signed: Gabriel Drachen Title: Re: Sentry at The Gates Post by: Delcarakdur on June 12, 2007, 09:29:19 pm Excellent report watchman! And it nay matter if ye couldn't get any sketches of the skirmish, it was pretty hectic!
*signed* Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman Title: Re: Sentry at The Gates Post by: Kal/Mathew on June 13, 2007, 02:17:12 am *walks by and reads the report*
I was there Gabe, I left their archer in the shire face down in the mud. But all in all a good report. Keep up the good work Signed Church Servant: Kal ShadowHand |