Title: Kerri's Parade Drill Post by: Kerri on June 21, 2007, 01:00:50 am Leader: Kerri, Watchman
Attendants: Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant Joey Lanai, Senior Dragoon Dalamar, Regular Scout Desmond Kreiger, Junior Guardsman Graem Carcer, Watchman First of all, I would like to say thank you to everyone who attended my Parade Drill I know their incredibly boring. I did try spice it up a bit, and I hope it worked! To begin with I lined the men up and asked Hoagie politely to send out a couple of pigeons because I needed a couple more men for the drill. When finally all the above men arrived I began the drill with the Sound off order! Everyone quickly said their name and rank so I swiftly moved onto the number off order. It wasn't hard to tell that most of the men were Veteran guardsmen, as they were quick and very precise with their actions. There wasn't one mistake throughout the whole of the parade orders. (http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/1130/paradekig1.png) After the parade drill was over I asked each of the guardsmen a question. If they got it correct they would get a bottle of ale, wine or liqueur as a reward. Every guardsman got the question right! It was now time for my made up battle game and a last man standing. The last man was first, in first place came Joey Lanai, second Desmond Kreiger and third place was myself (I got lucky). It was then time for my battle game however Joey and Graem had to depart so instead I decided to save the game for another day! (http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/1254/paradek1iv5.png) Kerri, Watchman |