Title: Falconhearts Parade drill Post by: Falconheart on June 21, 2007, 04:11:56 pm Leading Guardsman: Falconheart, Watchman
Attendants: Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant Dalamar, Regular Scout Tyrael Styx, Junior Grenadier Thomas Sendrich, Regular Dragoon Flina Trix, Junior Dragoon Sean Greyson, Guardsman Recruit For all the attending guardsmen many thanks for attending my first parade drill! At the beginnin of the drill I did an overall inspection of uniform and supplies. The attending guardsmen showed a superb display of Covian disciplin. Although I did have a discussion with one guardsmen about a boot that a spot on it. the attending guardsmen tried to tell me that these where fur boots...Now who would wear fur boots in summer or late spring? *smirks* (http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/6994/18193237lk1.jpg)(http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/8971/75729645kq1.jpg)(http://img524.imageshack.us/img524/6940/95598084pj0.jpg)(http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/5735/20172602uf8.jpg) I then continued on with some basic commands which where promptly carried out especially when I told them to target me and then the last command...charge (http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/7065/22926753na7.jpg)(http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/4361/73844985wq2.jpg)(http://img235.imageshack.us/img235/4250/76224836ct4.jpg)(http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/2535/61750620kt9.jpg) To the end of my parade we of course had the traditional "last man standing" The winner of this bout was Junior Dragoon Flina Trix. I decided not to take part as I have not fully recovered from my last command (http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/4389/66415213dr9.jpg) Then I dismissed the parade drill (http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/5967/10ll5.jpg)(http://img231.imageshack.us/img231/1883/11wn0.jpg) *signed* Falconheart, Watchman in the Covian Army Title: Re: Falconhearts Parade drill Post by: Eve Thenasa on June 21, 2007, 04:17:33 pm Good work Falconheart!
*signed* Eve, Officer Cadet Title: Re: Falconhearts Parade drill Post by: Falconheart on June 21, 2007, 04:40:24 pm that was fast Eve I wasnt even finished yet with my report *grins* Some of my paintings seemed to have disapeared on my report