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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Krieger on June 21, 2007, 09:50:23 pm

Title: Report: A Raiden Training Session - Monday, 18th June 2007
Post by: Krieger on June 21, 2007, 09:50:23 pm
Journal Extract – Desmond Frederick Krieger
21:00 GMT, Monday, 18th June 2007

Nothing like a spot of routine training led by a hardened Grenadier! As was so on Monday eve! No one can deny us Guardsmen need to keep in shape, and by the Avatar, Sergeant Morana saw to that.

Straight off the bat, two Guards were sent on a jog off to Cove gates and back when they failed to display a sufficient stock of bandages. And well, as for the lad who had the courage to show bandages pink in colour.. He should be thwacked! Pink indeed. Besides the bandages, Raiden ordered that we also display light sources and bedrolls, of which I believe everyone was prepared with.


Next up was a dip in the sea, and refreshing it was! Our task was to light a torch and keep it alight whilst paddling around just off the pier. Admittedly I failed, as I fell into the water in a somewhat uncontrolled manner, and I'm not entirely sure as to the extent of the others' success! However, I am entirely confident that next time I will triumph.


After making our way out of the water and onto the field, Raiden carried out a healing exercise whereby he walloped us in our armour-less state as we attempted to keep each other alive, which we did! Then, we paired up with another guardsman and had a little boxing round during which someone was indeed knocked out. It happens, unfortunately! After my near victory, though just failing to emerge completely dominant, I have decided to get involved with this boxing league lark.


And finally, to end our night of fun, we all competed in, as is traditional in Cove, a last man standing match. In which I lasted rather well, I might add. Aye!


Attendance Roster
- Raiden Morana, Grenadier Sergeant (Leading)
- Hoagie Grayner, Dragoon Sergeant
- Mela Arkay, Scout Sergeant
- Desmond Krieger, Junior Guardsman
- Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman
- Marcus, Watchman

The others will need to sign their names below. I'm not yet acquainted with everyone since returning to active duty.


D. Krieger,
Junior Guardsman

Title: Re: Report: A Raiden Training Session - Monday, 18th June 2007
Post by: Raiden Morana on June 22, 2007, 06:54:03 am
Good report Krieger.

Well done, ye all survived. Although it was only a light session.

And pink bandages indeed! What is Cove coming to!

*shakes head sadly*


Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant.

Title: Re: Report: A Raiden Training Session - Monday, 18th June 2007
Post by: Marcus / Straeban on June 24, 2007, 04:13:58 am
I was there, I gave you the Bed Roll.

Signed Watchman: Marcus

Title: Re: Report: A Raiden Training Session - Monday, 18th June 2007
Post by: Krieger on June 24, 2007, 12:12:57 pm
I always have my bedroll! You topped up my bandage pile, however.

And much appreciated it was!
