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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: qom_riyadh on June 22, 2007, 06:06:46 pm

Title: [CivReport] When a caravan goes wrong
Post by: qom_riyadh on June 22, 2007, 06:06:46 pm
In attendance:
Axiana Masteen
Amon Jarl
Ileana Leontine (came later)
Jacob Greyson
Qom Riyadh [Lead]

Hoagie Grayner
Flina Trix
Edmund Rufus
Demarian Tel'var
Zoie Hayden
Jakob D'Stoke
Geit Arma
Ingram Bloodrock

The plan was simple: Gather some wares and then move them to the Swaggers Inn to support Vesper Trading Company against Olk Samsca's Vesperian Forces.
Civilians stood up to the task and completed all necessary items very quickly. We gathered in front of the Cove bank, prepared the pack animals and began our journey.

(http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07255/sswag01.png) (http://xs.to)

And that's where the problems began...

Right after leaving the gate of Cove, we were attacked by a Blackrock Elemental which appeared out of the blue. (It was not a blackrock-infected elemental, nay nay). Our brave soldiers attacked him with all their best weapons and skills, but nay hurt him.

(http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07255/sswag02.png) (http://xs.to)

But this ain't the worst. Our brave totally stupid pack animals decided that it's time to end their lives and attacked the elemental! The aura of bad energy surrounding the monster killed them in no time. They layed down in a place where we weren't able to reach the packs and rescue our prepared wares.

After a short while we escaped to a safer location, thinking what to do next. We have lost much time fighting the elemental, and now having our wares lost we didn't have time to make them again. To make the things even worse, ma'am Leontine came and said that someone broken into her house and stolen a full keg of Greater Poison potion. Wonderful, just wonderful...

(http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07255/sswag03.png) (http://xs.to)

Seeing that mister Farfar managed to save few things, we decided to carry on to the Swaggers. Hopefully someone will be there waiting for us.
But since this journey has been probably cursed or something, while walking through the Covian Shire we were attacked by a small (but very persistent) group of Orcs. Guardsman Tiberius was kind enough to lower himself down to their level and told them in their language that then can royally bugger off, but they insisted on fighting us. Well, their choice. Another proof that orcs are brain-less.

(http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07255/sswag04.png) (http://xs.to)

Short while later, we approached the famous Swaggers Inn. I asked miss Axiana to go inside and check if anyone was there. Brave girl went there alone, and with visible relief came back saying that the tavern is empty. My contact from the VTC must have left. We invaded entered the tavern and had a quick look around.

(http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07255/sswag05.png) (http://xs.to)

The wares has been left in a safe place and all persons were told they are free to go. I returned home too, after this dangerous and tiresome journey. I was fishing, when Jacob Greyson approached me, for he bring interesting informations.

(http://xs216.xs.to/xs216/07255/sswag06.png) (http://xs.to)

That barmaid was curious why there was only half of the needed items left. She's been reassured that the missing items will be delivered soon, to aid their fight against the Vesperians.

Few hours later returning to my place, I've heard some gruesome news! That ma'am Leontine has been captured by Orcs and took as a prisoner to their camp! (http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,8793.0.html) As soon as we will know where is that particular camp, we will go there and fight her back! I will award the guard which will kill the most of these vile creatures!

Despite this sad end and few accidents on the way, the caravan was successful because we managed to begin our cooperation with the VTC. Hopefully the next one will be successful even more!

[OOC]Thank you to all who attended. The turnout was fantastic, and I hope you enjoyed this disastrous event like I did! One thing: Pardon my bad memory - If I missed someone in the roster, please post below to add you.[/OOC]

Title: Re: [CivReport] When a caravan goes wrong
Post by: Faden on June 24, 2007, 11:37:44 pm
Sometimes things do not turn out so well, excellent report Qom. I turned up just as you left Cove and we we're ambushed by that elemental. I listened to Leontine. Unfortunately I fell asleep, but when I woke up you we're just all running off to the Swaggers.

Upon arrival at the Swaggers it was empty maybe I was too early, I sat for awhile and still no one else arrived. From reading your report I see that  it is due to being attacked by Orcs! I can not believe I missed them!

Oh well maybe the next caravan will be more pleasant.

Title: Re: [CivReport] When a caravan goes wrong
Post by: Raiden Morana on June 27, 2007, 10:23:36 am
A fine job organising the caravan nevertheless Qom.

80 Shillings Awarded - Qom