Title: [Report - Training] Knackering The Knackers Post by: Graem Carcer on June 23, 2007, 09:48:53 pm Lead
Corporal Valentine Attending Sergeant Hoagie Guardsman Valentine Watchman Carcer --- Following a graveyard patrol, and the rescue of Miss Leontine, the Corporal saw fit for us to do some form of training, involving and equipment check, physical excercise and a little game that I think she invented just for fun - Basically an opportunity for me and Kas to pelt Hoagie's nuts with apples. *Signed* - Watchman Carcer --- (http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/3949/training1ur0.jpg) Title: Re: [Report - Training] Knackering The Knackers Post by: Kelly Sanderson on June 23, 2007, 09:56:03 pm Oh the joy!
An excellent time, I say! Rather bruise-free for me. Same can't be said for you three lads, though. *Signed* Kelly Valentine, Scout Corporal. |