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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Falconheart on June 26, 2007, 04:07:38 pm

Title: Falconheart's Recruit Cadre
Post by: Falconheart on June 26, 2007, 04:07:38 pm
Leading Guardsman: Falconheart, Watchman


Sean Greyson, Guardsman Recruit
Lakeya, Guardsman Recruit
Dimman, Guardsman Recruit
Eve, Officer Cadet
Olchafa Serpernt, Regular Scout

Observing member of command:

Dragoon Sergeant, Hoagie

Before I beginn I would especially like to thank the 'cruits for attending my very first Recruit Cadre.
And of course the senior members Eve, Olchafa and Hoagie who witnessed as a member of command .

At the beginnin I explained and emphasized the importance of even simple commands or  for example how a correct uniform should look like


I also emphasized the importance of all members of the Covian army, like mages for example . And I encouraged recruit Lakeya to believe in here strength as she didnt have a parade arm because she believed she couldnt carry it.
I proved here otherwise. As this was here first Cadre she was a bit emberassed for making mistakes. I told her nay to worry as that was the exact reason she was here.


And during this Cadre I was always asking questions in between.  Well of course I added some more phsychological explanations to this cadre


Explaining the command "target" enemy and the necessity of physological warfare


Towards end of this cadre I asked the recruits some questions to make sure they understood everything, which indeed they did. Then I dismissed this cadre


*signed Falconheart Watchman in the Covian Army