Title: Covian Mining ~ The mountains of wind: Thursday 27th June 8pm GMT Post by: Vince Valentine on June 27, 2007, 02:02:45 pm When ~ Thursday 27th June 8pm GMT
Where ~ Gather at the Town hall What to bring ~ Citizens: All the tools of your trade Guardsmen: Battle gear, bandages Deep within the mountains outside Britan, lies a dangerous path, said to be rich in gold! Hideous beasts not unlike spiders guard the area, so a guardsman escort will be a must. We must liberate this gold for the glory of Cove! (OOC note: Being a miner is not a must on this trip, there will be many tasks and things to do for all citizens) *Signed in bubbly writing* Sunset Dubrey, Governers Aide Title: Re: Covian Mining ~ The mountains of wind: Thursday 27th June 8pm GMT Post by: Mercy on June 28, 2007, 01:19:48 pm I hope to see plenty of Guardsmen for this tonight as I will be leading us to slay 50 Solen ants whilst we protect the citizens.