Title: Leave of Cove Post by: Locke DaOrt on April 15, 2005, 08:31:06 pm I am leaving cove, this is the words i leave to you
For those who have fought by me and saved my life To those who's lives i have changed To those who i love and have loved me I am deeply sorry for leaving you in your time of need But the past months bare deep on my soul and i can not take it no longer For months i have been an outcast by you Guard folk For months i have been called coward and other names Will i finally do what you all wish and i am leaving cove *looks at the note he has just written, holds it in his hand tightly* *goes to pin it up but cannot make himself do so, he pockets the note and decides to give himself time to think his decision though* (ooc) Recently all ive had is people moaning at me OOC and RP And tbh im just sick and tired of it, so im keeping this as a trial leave, im going to stick around for awhile but if it continues im packing up and leaving guys Title: Re: Leave of Cove Post by: Ahmed on April 15, 2005, 08:44:58 pm [OOC] Aww man i'm said to hear :-\ Seriously. Yer've been a cool dude thoughout my stay in BoC and it's sad to hear :-\ [/OOC]
Title: Re: Leave of Cove Post by: Mela Arkay on April 15, 2005, 08:50:08 pm [OOC: Tbh, i wouldn't quit. Ride it out, i've been through some pretty rough times within rp in BOC and GRD but im still here and strong!! eerrm aye. Focus on another character and if you have none others you enjoy playing then delete an old unwanted one and create a new one with deeper rp. Don't just give up on us yet mate :o
P.S who the hell has been giving me bad karma?!] Title: Re: Leave of Cove Post by: Delcarakdur on April 15, 2005, 08:57:33 pm [OOC: Not me fer sure!, sorry to hear about ye leaving locke... you are a great rp guy!]
Title: Re: Leave of Cove Post by: Gregor Eason on April 15, 2005, 09:07:36 pm ....
(OOC: I'm with Mela on this one. I think you should ride it out a bit more. But... I can understand if you decide not to. You've been a long term player with BoC, and I'm sorry things couldn't turn out better. You're a good bloke, past all your sleazy comments *Grin*, and I wish you all the best of luck in whichever path ye take. Nay be a stranger, pwn me whenever ye want ;)) Title: Re: Leave of Cove Post by: Locke DaOrt on April 17, 2005, 01:58:44 am (ooc)
will it would appear im off now, seems im not wanted in BoC anymore so instead of having Oct kick me i resigned to save him the trouble, later guys its been real fun Playing with most of you Title: Re: Leave of Cove Post by: Khaelieth on April 18, 2005, 12:37:15 pm OOC: *slaps* get our ass over here! You ain't leaving Cove just cause ol' stuffy had a bad day! (Sorry, Tib ;D )