Title: *a letter arrives for Hrothgar* Post by: Cal Soulshadow on July 06, 2007, 07:42:43 am Hrothgar,
Ye've always had my respect and so it is with some regret that I inform ye that the alliance we were hoping to build is no more, and we must go to war. The actions of your men, and specificially, your church, against Calantha, a Kaldorian citizen, will not be tolerated. That your men would torture and brutalise a woman they knew was in the early stages of pregnancy sickens me to the core. Their cowardly actions resulted in the loss of her child, and a loss of honour for Cove as a whole. Send us those responsible and this war can end as quickly as it started. Fail to do so, and the seas around Cove will turn red with Covian blood. *signed* Cdr. Soulshadow Army of Kaldor Title: Re: *a letter arrives for Hrothgar* Post by: Shadwell on July 06, 2007, 10:05:55 am *rummages through the Militia mailbox*
Hrothgar? Didnt he die? *shrugs and start making a pie chart about what creatures eat the most recruits* Title: Re: *a letter arrives for Hrothgar* Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on July 06, 2007, 07:36:35 pm *Eyes Hrothgars envelope*
If I could only peal it open without breaking the seal.. *Continues to look through the mail while a recruit keeps guard* |