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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Cal Soulshadow on July 06, 2007, 07:42:43 am

Title: *a letter arrives for Hrothgar*
Post by: Cal Soulshadow on July 06, 2007, 07:42:43 am

Ye've always had my respect and so it is with some regret that I inform ye that the alliance we were hoping to build is no more, and we must go to war.
The actions of your men, and specificially, your church, against Calantha, a Kaldorian citizen, will not be tolerated. That your men would torture and brutalise a woman they knew was in the early stages of pregnancy sickens me to the core. Their cowardly actions resulted in the loss of her child, and a loss of honour for Cove as a whole.
Send us those responsible and this war can end as quickly as it started.
Fail to do so, and the seas around Cove will turn red with Covian blood.


Cdr. Soulshadow
Army of Kaldor

Title: Re: *a letter arrives for Hrothgar*
Post by: Shadwell on July 06, 2007, 10:05:55 am
*rummages through the Militia mailbox*

Hrothgar? Didnt he die?

*shrugs and start making a pie chart about what creatures eat the most recruits*

Title: Re: *a letter arrives for Hrothgar*
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on July 06, 2007, 07:36:35 pm
*Eyes Hrothgars envelope*

If I could only peal it open without breaking the seal..

*Continues to look through the mail while a recruit keeps guard*