Title: Finding a Diamond (report) Post by: Mercy on July 10, 2007, 05:19:01 pm Led by
Junior Guardsman Mercy Guards attending Regular Guardsman Kas Recruit Briana Langboog Citizens Attending Jacob Greyson My cousin Jacob informed me of a request made by Demarian, seems he has some new fancy woman and wants a diamond ring for her. Or so Jacob reckons anyway. The request for the ring was quite specific and required a diamond but not just any old diamond from a jewelers, no this one had to come from the rat cave in Sacrifice. Well like my cousin said he's a miner but he's no warrior and doesn't stand a chance in that cave so he asked if I could help him out and retrieve the biggest diamond I could find. (http://xs117.xs.to/xs117/07282/diamond.jpg) Seemed that only Briana and Kas were about other than myself and they were both keen to come along. Kas promptly gated us to a moongate and we headed through to Sacrifice to be shortly met by some brigands. Further up were the ruins filled with ratmen wasn't long before we cleared them out. (http://xs117.xs.to/xs117/07282/diamond2.jpg) After killing the ratmen we headed into the cave and to the area occupied by earth elementals. (http://xs117.xs.to/xs117/07282/diamond3.jpg) I knew these would sometimes have gems inside them as they mould themselves out of the surface of the rock. We had to kill quite a few before we managed to find one with the right gem inside. Once we got the gem we had to battle our way back out again. (http://xs117.xs.to/xs117/07282/diamond4.jpg) After getting out of the cave and again fighting our way past the ratmen we quickly ran to the moongate and headed home to Cove. (http://xs117.xs.to/xs117/07282/diamond5.jpg) Now Jacob just needs to mine some gold from Minoc mountains. *signed neatly* Mercy. Title: Re: Finding a Diamond (report) Post by: Khaelieth on July 13, 2007, 11:51:04 am Khaelieth sat down with a glass of red wine, reading the report with a bemused smile on his face.