Title: (COMPLETED) The Baron's Golden Scepter! STOLEN! Sat 14 July 8pm GMT Post by: Eve Thenasa on July 11, 2007, 02:11:53 pm Event:- The Baron's Scepter! STOLEN!
Time/Date:- 8pm GMT, Saturday 14th July *Eve sighs, quill in hand, staring straight through the empty goblet in front of her, which had previously been filled with Covian wine. She is exhausted having spent the last few days, travelling Sosaria in an attempt to find any information regarding the whereabouts of the Baron's Scepter, stolen three days ago, and none the wiser, except on a few matters! She begins to write a note hastily for the guardsmen boards...* ATTENTION ALL GUARDSMEN/WOMEN WE HEAD FOR THE SANCTUARY AT THE EIGHTH HOUR! The Baron's Golden Scepter has been Stolen from under our very noses! From my recent travels in Sosaria I have learnt nothing of it's whereabouts or whom is responsible, but I have learned the following... High nobles of other Cities and Townes have also reported artifacts and great treasures being stolen. Each Town and City is currently blaming the other. but since it appears to be specific ancient artifacts or treasures being taken from any town or city, I suspect that whom-ever is responsible is a collector of such. I have been trying to learn and locate those who are particularly interested in artifacts, and have been informed of one, an elf known as Delinthran, who was exiled from the Elven City, for reasons unknown. It has been assumed that he now resides with other elves in the 'Sanctuary'. It is our duty to learn more, and return what belongs to the Baron, to Cove! |