Title: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Arma Renox on July 12, 2007, 09:21:04 pm The Baron's Navy has, with the grand help of Guardsmen and Citizens alike, amassed enough resources to construct the first small ship of the fleet!
This fine vessel will allow us to carry out scouts and patrols, as well as ferry goods around the area. The following items are needed to complete the ongoing construction of the new vessel. The 1000 boards, 400 ingots and 500 cloth will be delivered to the Governor, Qom Riyadh, with much haste. They can be accessed from the Gilded Box in the Governor's Workshop. They are to be distributed as necessary, and any remaining resources are a gift from the Navy in return for the Citizens' time and help. For the small ship we require, all of Exceptional Quality; - 2 Chairs - 5 Wooden Benches - 1 Clock - 5 Axle With Gears - 5 Hinges - 5 Barrels - 5 Lanterns - 1 Sextant - 2 Kegs The items can be delivered to myself when ready! Signed, Arma Renox Commodore. Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Jessica Hawkins on July 12, 2007, 09:23:52 pm It is all done, I shall post the report below promtly.
*Signed* Jessica Hawkins Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Raiden Morana on July 26, 2007, 10:58:36 am Has this order been fulfilled?
I have yet to see a report. *signed flamboyantly* Amon Jarl, Burgher. A J TRADING Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Arma Renox on July 30, 2007, 10:31:47 am Still waiting on final delivery!
Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Lexin Leontine on August 05, 2007, 09:48:20 am *Written By a Scribe, Due to Lexin's Illiteracy*
I can supply you with these Items, they are sitting in two crates on the steps of my workshop just south of Cove, along the coast. Speak to me, or if I'm not available Ileana Leontine if you're having trouble finding the workshop. I can also provide you with a full report as soon as I get round to paying this scribe some more crown. My pigeon hole number is: 460783502 *signed very roughly* Lexin Leontine. Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Jessica Hawkins on August 07, 2007, 06:04:01 pm Feel free for the task my dear friend Lexin.
I am currently away on other buisness and shall not be back within another three days. [OOC] My account is down until the 10th [OOC] Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Jessica Hawkins on August 16, 2007, 03:50:28 am Jessica sat calmly by the working bench in her workshop, twisting, fiddling and adjusting small metal parts into items like sextands and kegs.
After a long times work she finally had finished making them all, and stoved them carefully into a box and securing the lid ontop. Jessica took the package, leaving it at the Naval office and checked off her list of things to do. - 5 Wooden Benches - 1 Clock - 5 Axle With Gears - 5 Hinges - 5 Barrels - 1 Sextant - 2 Kegs Only five barrels missing. (http://img502.imageshack.us/img502/1353/navalorderre3.png) *Signed neatly* Jessica Hawkins [OOC] Sorry for my late report, i lost my first set, but this second one went well enough.[OOC] Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: qom_riyadh on August 16, 2007, 05:28:55 am 40 shillings awarded - Jessica Hawkins
Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Arma Renox on August 17, 2007, 12:30:20 pm Still awaiting delivery!
Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Jessica Hawkins on August 17, 2007, 09:21:06 pm Contact me for delivery at 345-345-654
Title: Re: A Naval Order with an "Urgent" seal Post by: Lexin Leontine on August 18, 2007, 03:31:46 pm Ye'll have to excuse my offer, for my workshop collapsed in on itself due to eroded foundations, I've had to relocate m'self to another place out of town, Turns out the supplies I had were all crushed due to the impact. my most sincere apologies Commodore, but alas I couldn't foresee this happening to me.
*signed roughly* Lexin Leontine |