Title: A squeler or not? Post by: Farfar on July 13, 2007, 05:20:13 am If one sees another player thats obviously are using a macro prog, to skillgain, and are away from his computer, shall one then call the GMs?
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on July 13, 2007, 06:15:54 am Ofcourse! Macroing is illegal and like a good Nazi you should ALWAYS report people using macro programs! Better yet, you should ask those people for their RL adress and look them up so you can give them a proper beating!
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Khaelieth on July 13, 2007, 09:43:25 am If you see someone beating a golem, always! But don't report the old school ones training on NPC fighters and paladins!
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on July 13, 2007, 10:11:28 am It'd be like calling the police for downlading things illegally farfar..
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Ileana Leontine on July 13, 2007, 12:20:17 pm My rule of thumb is that if it's something that has no bearing on other players whatsoever - e.g, that they're just in their house macroing a tradeskill to GM and saving themselves carpal tunnel syndrome in the process - then I wouldn't report it. If it's actively interfering with other players like bot farming, then yes, I'd say report it.
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Kas Valentine on July 13, 2007, 12:48:28 pm Take the law into your own hands !
Tackle them to the ground, tear off any undergarments and give their bum bum a good smacking....? ::) Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Krieger on July 13, 2007, 01:04:32 pm Tackle them to the ground, tear off any undergarments and give their bum bum a good smacking....? ::) :( I'm with Ileana: if it's a combat skill and you think it's wrong, then you should (though I personally wouldn't, as it doesn't bother me), as it can affect other players directly in PvP; if it's a trade skill, therefore by using the script it saves them suffering RSI through clicking the same things a gazillion times, then I wouldn't. I don't think anyone would actually want to go through that. Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Mela Arkay on July 13, 2007, 01:18:15 pm I normally leave em.
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: userjosh5368 on July 13, 2007, 02:58:02 pm ^^ Thats cause you are them!
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Farfar on July 13, 2007, 04:24:09 pm Thank you guys and girls. I now have something to go on.
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on July 13, 2007, 04:26:41 pm Let's put it this way.
I have had GM begging, GM detect hidden, GM armslore, GM snooping, GM tracking, GM itemID... need I go on? OFCOURSE I am not gonna train these skills manually! Had someone reported me while training though then I would consider it pathetic. Generally, the only people reporting macroers are the ones who have no clue of how to do it. Reporting bots is a whole different story. Resource/Gold farming does have a substantial impact on the community and according to my standards that is where the line is drawn. Macroing combat skills or crafting skills is a bit of a grey area. Combat skills are no fun to train manually (unless you roleplay a character) and they really do affect your game play (personally I really start enjoying playing a character when the nescessary skills are maxed out). Crafting skills don't really bother me as it still takes the same amount of resources to reach GM, you just get there faster not cheaper. All in all as long as macroing has no substantial impact on the community or economy, it's perfectly alright with me. Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Kas Valentine on July 13, 2007, 04:54:44 pm Kas has been naughty in the past too....
(http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/4039/jailmn6.jpg) Bad boy for life...? ;D If I get nicked once more I get slapped with an ASBO ! (Sorry about the size of the image) Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Mercy on July 13, 2007, 06:45:30 pm You naughty Kas :D
I've done macroes for skills like tailoring, mining, alchemy, posioning and yes I've trained a few warrior skills with a healing macro but I'm with the others as long as its not something that is likely to upset the community then its not bad. Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Khaelieth on August 06, 2007, 10:48:44 am Hunting script miners is fun.
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Amelia Cane on August 06, 2007, 11:36:56 am Is placing a heavy object (erm say a bag of coins) on your keyboard whilst you go off and make supper considered skill macro'ing?
:P Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on August 06, 2007, 11:39:34 am Haha. That's like running horse ploughs when there are tractors, Amelia :P
Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: Drachir on August 06, 2007, 12:50:51 pm If you see someone beating a golem, always! But don't report the old school ones training on NPC fighters and paladins! IMHO, I don't think there's anything wrong with using a Golem. I've used a golem before to train combat skills quickly, because combat skill training can be tedious. My way of looking at it, is if they don't reply when you ask them a question such as, "What colour is my body sash?" Or if they answer with an automated response such as 'Yes' or 'Hi', then that's when I'd page a Gm.. If they're just bashin' a Golem whilst at the keyboard, I think that's perfectly fine. (reason why asking them a question is good is 'cause loads of BOTS have an automated response when text enters the screen.) Title: Re: A squeler or not? Post by: qom_riyadh on August 06, 2007, 02:12:09 pm I was using EasyUO to help with carpentry. I've gained about 2-3 full points with it only, and I stopped. Not because of some game 'ethics' but because it's terribly boring.
Generally speaking I won't report someone macroing, unless it's clearly unattended. What I totally don't care about is if someone uses macros to speed up certain non-skill dependant things, like for example turning wool into thread and then into cloth. It's boring as hell. (Yes, I use a macro for it :P ) |