Title: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Falconheart on July 17, 2007, 06:37:01 am Hi Guys
This morning after a new patch UO assist isnt working right. First I had problems with self bandy macro..Now if I want to disarm my weopon I just simply freeze and crash. I tried assigning a different hotkey for disarming..same results...crash. Plus I dont get a message when I am overweight. I talked with a guy at brit bank he had the same probs Any of you had the same experience? Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Dalamar on July 17, 2007, 10:43:27 am Yay! Finaly after years of waiting they come to my level...
I don't use UO assist ;) Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Marcus Kobra on July 17, 2007, 10:59:26 am I;ve tried UOA in the past.... never gave me the "one up" I thought it would, it mostly didnt even work lol. glad they broke it.
But seriously, UOA is a "script" for lack of a better word, UO has probably change how its macros operate (the code) So now UOA cant communicate properly.... similar to what new patches do to script executables which will not be named here!! Give the guys who put out UOA (thats if they ever get updates) some time to adjust.... or wait for someone to be kewl and make a NEW UOA. Cheers mate!! till that time dbl click, click, dbl click ,click, dbl click , click your way through fights n.n;; Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Malaki on July 17, 2007, 12:27:44 pm I think they do it in an effort to kill UOA - UO has a auto disarm/arm macro command in it now I believe.
Not checked yet. Will do tonight. Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Arma Renox on July 17, 2007, 12:40:20 pm I think that's just KR with the arm / disarm.
What appears to have changed relates to items I think; bandage macros don't work because it can't find the bandages. This is my guess as all my "use item type" macros do not work, and I cannot now create NEW "use item type" macros. Annoying, especially as smoke bombs don't stack. Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: userjosh5368 on July 17, 2007, 12:46:32 pm Never used UO assist, you really don't need it .
People have just com to rely on it due, to the fact they can't manually throw pots down . Plusi t just ruins battles if someones running around chugging pots for like 3 hours. Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Mela Arkay on July 17, 2007, 12:52:16 pm I've needed it;) and the only arm and disarm macro I use is on UO, my bandage self macro is on UOA.
Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Arma Renox on July 17, 2007, 01:39:32 pm You don't need it in the same way you don't need to play UO ;) But I prefer it. It's handy for primarily "bandage self", and "use item type" macros.
It's essentially what UO should have all by itself; a decent macro system. Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Kas Valentine on July 17, 2007, 02:16:13 pm I imagine they'll fix it shortly !
I haven't had any strange problems or crashes but resource count is doing the whole "got stray pack opening" thing that it was doing on Test Center. I agree with Arma though, UOA is just an extended macro system that fills the hole left behind by the game itself (plus the UO Pro (http://support.uo.com/uopro.html) program said it was fine so s'more or less part of the game anyway). Personally I consider..... Chivalry Ninjitsu Bushido Crazy elf weapons ....as cheating, so poo to you lot ! ;D Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Raiden Morana on July 17, 2007, 02:25:30 pm It isn't working? Gah!
There goes my drink ale, eat pie macro! Seriously, they better fix it! The number of times i used to die by double clicking my pack shut ::) Now i just die cos i can't remember which key does what! :P Title: Re: UO assist isnt working right Post by: Zoie Hayden on July 17, 2007, 02:59:43 pm You guys know there is a BandageSelf macro in game right? The only thing I found UOA useful for is to get rid of the annoying horse and bard sounds (after they took out the infinite macro capability :-X). But it's not worth running it just for that to me.