Title: The Story of My Band, The Life of Riley... (not as dull as it sounds) Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on July 18, 2007, 02:16:31 am This is a tale of a story that took place in the reflection of a single raindrop captured in the imagination of someone who might have existed. Nobody knows. A man about 6 feet short walked or some say idled into the rays of the sun, his name was once Riley, but everyone who was then and is no longer now has forgotten that.. To his friends foes and people of insignificance he is, Sam PJ.
In the rays of the sun, shone a thought floating on the wings of a feather, Sam cared for this thought until it grew into an idea, developed into and plan and matured into being. This thought had a name whispered by the four winds, The Life of Riley. Easy going as the legend whispered this “Life of Riley” needed three more components. Sam slept on the idea, he drifted into a music inspired coma lasting 3 days 4 hours and as many minutes as you would care to imagine, in his tranquil minds eye he saw through eyes thrown shut, a man. Sam raised his hand, and in that instant the man, if that’s what it can be called, as none have ever seen its true self, crouched like a predator, played a sound so monumental that silence itself fled and never returned. Sam tamed the creature with his words and the now-man told his name, given to him before he can remember and that name will last into the memories of generations yet to come into thought, his name was Ollie. After Sam’s coma of thought he new which path to take, it was one of many and Sam almost lost his footing but somehow Ollie was there to catch him, and in that second they were there, which is here and nowhere. Standing as straight as a needle, he sat in the shadow of the moon, on that moonless night. Until his true name was spoken he would be still and silent. Silence that could be broken by the answer to three questions spoken by the truest of the true. Sam and Ollie stepped forward and after a single question had won the name of the thing that would become the third in the line of four. Like the myths hadn’t dared to question, his name was Willy B. Together, like the three Musketeers only more majestic than they, they marched towards the final part of the quest to… Shhh! Silence! The silence returned in fury that couldn’t be heard, the final being so lost within everything that he was everywhere at once, they stepped towards him but saw that he was nearer than they could have hoped, he had been with them always, just silent even when silence fled. They were finally one. The second Sam of the Life of Riley completed the number that is to carve a destiny that even the cheapest Fortune Teller couldn’t hope to create. Don’t forget them because they haven’t forgotten you.. They are The Life of Riley! Title: Re: The Story of My Band, The Life of Riley... (not as dull as it sounds) Post by: Octiovus on July 18, 2007, 03:49:29 pm A good read, but it might be better with some paragraphs breaking up. No-one likes to read a big blob of text. ;)
Title: Re: The Story of My Band, The Life of Riley... (not as dull as it sounds) Post by: Marcus Kobra on July 23, 2007, 07:09:07 pm The greatest "Conflict" I have ever read. Its funny, entertaining, and really makes ya think.
And I agree with Octi..... break it up just abit. Title: Re: The Story of My Band, The Life of Riley... (not as dull as it sounds) Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on July 25, 2007, 02:11:05 pm EDIT:
Put in some breaks, thanks for the feed back - glad you like it ^_^ Title: Re: The Story of My Band, The Life of Riley... (not as dull as it sounds) Post by: Hoagie on July 26, 2007, 02:48:30 pm Nice! I liked it.
Title: Re: The Story of My Band, The Life of Riley... (not as dull as it sounds) Post by: Drachir on August 31, 2007, 09:59:59 pm Wow, this is awesome. It reminds me of the type of stuff that Douglas Adams put in Hitchhikers' Guide To The Galaxy.
This was an excellent read! |