Title: Finding a Black Rock/Rescue of Eve - Saturday July 28th, 8pm GMT Post by: Zoie Hayden on July 24, 2007, 05:12:49 pm When: Saturday July 28th, 8pm GMT
Where: Meet at the Barracks Who: Every available guardsman is welcome Last Saturday, Grenadier Cadet Eve was possessed by an unknown force and is being held captive until we bring the entity holding her a piece of Black Rock. So our mission will be two-fold: To find and procure this Black Rock, then bring it to the dungeon of fire to rescue Eve before she is killed. If anyone has any information about where such a rock can be found, please post a note below so it can be assured that we find one as soon as possible. After a week of searching, I discovered Jacob, the commoner, happened to have a piece of blackrock in his possession and donated it to us. He is to be commended. |