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Command Boards => The Thieves' Council => Topic started by: Marcus / Straeban on July 25, 2007, 02:50:22 pm

Title: Free Furnishings for the Warehouse
Post by: Marcus / Straeban on July 25, 2007, 02:50:22 pm
As I awoke this morn I was thinking to my self on how the warehouse needed to be furnished. I didn't have to think to long on it as I remembered this Crafty type back in the town of Cove by the name of Mat ShadowHand. I got dressed and went to see if I could find this ShadowHand and see about some furnishings. As I approached his house I had to be careful not to be see, but with luck nay one was around.

I slipped in and to my surpraze Mr. ShadowHand was getting ready to work. I approached him and explained that I have an order I would like to place with him.

(http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/4993/uo0001dq4.jpg) (http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/9171/uo0002bx3.jpg) (http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/3527/uo0003zr3.jpg) (http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/2233/uo0004fk9.jpg) (http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/6550/uo0005ob5.jpg) (http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/5163/uo0006zh6.jpg)

After telling him where to go I then left him to his work.

As I made my way to the warehouse I went in to wait for him, I then remembered that I had buisness with the local bank. I walked out the door as he was coming up. I told him to begin his work and that I will return soon to see his progress. I then left him to his work and headed to town to see the bank about an account. I made it to the bank and went inside and talked to the tellers there and they told me I had to wait till the mannager arrived sos I can open an account. I took a seat and waited and waited till after about 5 hours the manager did finally show up. We began talking and he opened me an account, I then thanked him and left.

I made my way back to the Warehouse only to find that Mr. ShadowHand was no longer around. So I went in to see what was done and to my surprize he had finished his work, and nicely done as well.


I then went up stairs and it was looking great as well.


Well now this man has more uses than a tick on a boar hog I say!

After checking everything over I then layed down on one of them new mats and went to sleep.

Signed: Straeban

Title: Re: Free Furnishings for the Warehouse
Post by: Obidah Lynch on July 25, 2007, 02:58:16 pm
That dunce of a citizen of a citizen never saw you coming! Good work, kid.

Infamy Awarded: 60

*Signed on behalf of Obidah*
