Title: Citizen Recruitment Drive - Monday 30th July at 7PM GMT - Citizens only! Post by: Ileana Leontine on July 26, 2007, 09:50:16 pm When: Monday 3th July at 7PM GMT
Where: Outside the Barracks Bring: Nothing - Books and banner materials will be provided. We need more citizens! Please come along. If you are a guardsmen, also come along out of uniform - don't forget having more citizens is of benefit to every single member of Cove, and the more we have the better we look. I hope to see you all there! Title: Re: Citizen Recruitment Drive - Monday 30th July at 7PM GMT - Citizens only! Post by: Axiana on July 26, 2007, 10:52:16 pm I shall be there as promised Ileana.
Axiana |