Title: Scout Trials: Gabriel Drachen [COMPLETE] Post by: Mela Arkay on July 28, 2007, 09:12:56 pm *A copy of his trials is suck here*
(OOC: Infuture do not delete peoples trials, regardless of whether they decide to join another Company or not.) Title: Re: Scout Trials: Gabriel Drachen Post by: Aliryl on October 16, 2009, 01:45:26 pm *repins to the upper part of the board*
Here are the trials you mentioned to me. There is a slight amendment so familiarise yourself with them. *signed neatly* Aliryl Trefynwyd Title: Re: Scout Trials: Gabriel Drachen Post by: Lucas Drachen on October 17, 2009, 12:30:12 am *A Dagger sticks in the posted trials with a small message written below it*
Since the change in command and being pushed by others I will take up my trials once again...if they can be found... Signed: Gabriel Drachen Title: A map of Deceit Level 1 Post by: Lucas Drachen on November 29, 2009, 09:02:54 pm This was part of my original Trials before they were removed. I wanted to put it up just so that it was known I actually did it. Apart from this and The trial for my Flute I only have one left at your disgression of course Jen. I hope you can trust me.
(http://img94.imageshack.us/img94/1235/dmap.png) Signed: Gabriel Drachen Title: Re: Scout Trials: Gabriel Drachen [removed] Post by: Jenifer Feather on November 30, 2009, 01:19:05 pm Hmm, I hear Gabe wants to join the Scouts.. And that he has already completed most of his trials.. Just needs that final push ey?.. Well.. That can be arranged..
Gabriel Drachen.. Gabe, You are a magic user, correct?.. Well in that case you need to prove your worth for the Scouts. I want you to hold a Scout Training session. In this training you will go over the benefits of having a magic using Scout in the team. If you can't find or gather enough Scouts then I will allow the training to be a normal training based on the importance of magic.
If you are not a magic user, and I have been horrifically misinformed, please post a note under this. Signed: Jenifer Feather Title: Training on Mages Post by: Lucas Drachen on December 01, 2009, 02:12:03 am Leading:
Gabriel Drachen, Junior Guardsman Attending Mela Arkay, Senior Scout Jenifer Feather, Scout Corporal Torrak Keres, Grenadier Sergeant Keane Wakefield, Junior Scout Marley Briggs, Guardsman Recruit Demarian Tel'var, Regular Grenadier Bersi, Junior Guardsman Gilraen, Guardsman Recruit Theory: I started the training by going over theory of a Mages usefulness as a Scout. From their ability to heal other scouts while they are on the move. To their ability to take down a target in a short amount of time. I even went over how they make great distractions as well! After that I gave them a few survival tips against what seemed to be their least favorite Spell. Paralyze. Next on the list I divided them up into teams for a training exercise in Cove I call "Assassin" Assassin Teams Team One Keane, Leader Jenifer Bersi Marley Team Two Torrak, Leading Gabriel Mela Demarian The Object of the exercise was simple. A cap was handed to each team and they chose someone within to wear it and be their king. The goal of the game was to kill your enemies King. Sadly however this exercise went the way I rather expected it to after I saw the way the team leaders selected their teams. Team Two plowed through Team one rather quickly because of the lack of versatility their team had, Being only Mages and archers. I explained this to them at the end and am sure they actually learned something very valuable from it. (http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/6144/trainn.jpg) Signed: Gabriel Drachen |