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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: userjosh5368 on July 30, 2007, 04:01:31 pm

Title: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: userjosh5368 on July 30, 2007, 04:01:31 pm

Hail Covian Guardsmen! As a member of the Grenadier's and one of the most senior guardsmen, I have been tasked with organising a patrol rota to keepsafe and protect the Covianshire .

I will be looking for watchman and above to lead these patrols so we can keep the land safe from Vesperians and monsters alike!

Sign below your name and date, you wish to take .


Monday 6th August - Graveyard
Junior Scout Perun
Lead a patrol to the Graveyard. Clear it of any undead activity . Then occupy and hold the crypt for at least 5 minutes in case of a counter attack, by the tricky lich that resides there.
Once the crypt has been secured clear the area again if need be.


Tuesday 7th August - Covian shire
Junior Marine Desmond Krieger
Head through the sire and patrol the ruins and border line we share with Vesper. Upon your return from the road, clear out the Covetous mines on are land to insure safety for are citizens to mine .


Wednesday 8th August - Orc Fort
Watchman Sean Greystone
Those Orks have began being pesky again, lead a patrol to the ork fort clear out the fort and burn there docks so they cannot receive supplies, bring back fifty shadow ore .


Thursday 9th August - Baronship Household
Scout Corporal Kelly Valentine
Patrol and inspect the following buildins and area's around them:
Barracks, Town Hall, Stables, Armoury, Church, Tavern, Scout Tower and Library.
Report any finding's of criminal damage or strange folk .


Friday 10th August - Cove Town
Scout Sergeant Mela Arkay
After a rise in resent crime and brigand activity . Ive decided its a piority to keep the town safe and protected from harm .
Head into Cove town and search for any suspicious people, also clear any monster or vermin from the streets .

Saturday 11th August - Coveteous
Watchman Marcus Tel'var
I've noticed lately a increase in harpies flying through the land's of Cove the hags must be stopped !
Lead a patrol into the mountain Coveteous, and kill all the winged hags that reside there, remember to loot them and bring there feather back for a Fletcher's .


Sunday 12th August  - Altmere
Regular Arcanist Kas Valentine
Recently reports of Brigand and monster activity, have risen in Altmere!
Head to Altmere with some guardsmen and clear the road to Falconbergs keep .


*Signed Neatly*

Demarian Tel'var
Senior Grenadier

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on July 30, 2007, 05:19:40 pm
I'll take Thursday the 9th.

Kelly Valentine, Scout Corporal

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Mela Arkay on July 30, 2007, 06:24:58 pm
I'll take the 10th.

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: userjosh5368 on July 30, 2007, 10:48:24 pm
Right that's two down and five more slots, to fill .

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Krieger on July 30, 2007, 11:33:39 pm
*Tears off the parchment from the notice board, and goes for a stool, kicking his legs up upon the table and beginning to read, tickling his beardy chin.*

"Mmhh. Reckon I could manage the Tuesday."

*Rummages in his thick beard mass, grunting quietly, and after a short moment pulls out a small bottle of blue ink and a tatty old feather, with which he signs his initial beside the correct date, before replacing the parchment on the notice board.*

"Tuesday 7th August - D.K."

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Marcus / Straeban on August 03, 2007, 08:48:37 am
Ser I marcus will take Saturday 11th August and lead a group to Covetous and lay them feathered wenches to rest Ser.

Signed: Watchman: Marcus

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Perun on August 03, 2007, 09:15:08 am
I'll take care of the deadites on Monday Sir.

Junior Scout.

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: userjosh5368 on August 04, 2007, 02:07:03 pm
Come on Folk's still two more slots to go !

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Sean Greyson on August 04, 2007, 07:23:30 pm
I will be happy to take Wednesday 8th and clear out the orcs from the fort.

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Kas Valentine on August 06, 2007, 03:38:50 pm
I'll take care of the coming Sunday chief !

Signed with uncommonly attractive handwriting,
Regular Arcanist Kas Valentine.

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: userjosh5368 on August 06, 2007, 04:55:43 pm
Excellent work chap's !

Thats next week's rota completed, so get out there patrol them area's make the Covianshire safe ! Post your reports below, ya hear me !

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Perun on August 06, 2007, 05:12:15 pm
Graveyard Patrol

Attended by:

Perun, Junior Scout (leading)
Mela, Scout Sergeant
Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout (Church Servant)
Drachir, Regular Scout
Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Ihiniar Tel'var, Watchman

We gathered at the barracks and once everyone had their equipment in order we set off to clear the graveyard of undead.

It did not take us long to see off what deadites there were and we secured the crypt with little difficulty.


I ordered the Watchman and Hoagie to man the doorway in case of a counter attack while us Scouts had a little combat training inside the crypt.

Drachir was first to fall, followed by yours truly while the veterans Kal and Mela battled it out with the Scout Sergeant the eventual victor.

Having secured the crypt for a good while without any trouble I ordered another sweep to clear the graveyard of any unwanted guests before we headed back to the barracks.

Perun, Junior Scout.

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: userjosh5368 on August 08, 2007, 09:27:58 am
*Nods slowly and then rummages through some more papers* Desmond get that report posted !

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Perun on August 09, 2007, 10:09:40 am
Orc Fort Patrol - Wednesday 08/08/07

Attended by:

Perun, Junior Scout (leading)
Garand, Junior Scout
Demarian Tel'var

Hailing from Luna, the undead are my natural enemy hence why I chose to lead the cleansing of the graveyard on Monday eve and now I have settled in Cove the orcs are my enemy also.

I had noticed this duty hadn't been penned in the log nor had I seen the Watchman charged to do it, so I took it upon myself to take Garand and the Grenadier to complete this outstanding mission.

We force marched to the outskirts of the fort where Garand received some press ups as punishment for calling me Sir... The Grenadier must have felt sorry for him as he too joined in the exercise.

Punishment complete we armed up and headed into the fort. We battled our way efficiently to the docks, slaying all manner of orcs... brutes, shamen, lords, scouts, choppers and plain old grunts.


Once the docks were secure Senior Grenadier Tel'var proved himself useful by setting them ablaze. I stuffed the ore we had looted from the fallen brutes in my pack (which I later passed onto Raiden to put in the stores) and we made a fighting withdrawl to the fort gates before force marching back to barracks where I dismissed the patrol.

Perun, Junior Scout.

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Mela Arkay on August 10, 2007, 08:13:32 pm
Attended by:
Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Raiden Morana, Grenadier Sergeant
Amelia Cane, Guardsman Recruit
Falconheart, Junior Guardsman

Lead by: Mela.E.Arkay, Scout Sergeant

What happened?:
On entering Cove we encountered a stranger, he smelt strongly of shade so I had the men search him however none was found!
Mid conversation the git grabbed Cor'Ari Ta's flute from my belt and pelted it! We managed to catch him however he claimed he'd dropped it.
I had the men search however we couldn't find it, the git had lied to us and hidden it (Since he was searched for it) and I now intend to get it back.
The man wore a straw hat and a red mempo, that is all I really remember about him.

After that we asked if there was any other trouble around Cove and also exterminated a few rats.


Scout Sergeant,

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on August 11, 2007, 01:29:28 pm
Greatest apologies for not completing the patrol for the 9th.

I shall send out an additional patrol on a day soon to the same desired destination and then post up the report here.

Kelly Valentine, Scout Corporal.

(OOC: I wasn't able to fulfill this task due to RL problems. I'll do a patrol and post it up A.S.A.P /OOC)

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Kas Valentine on August 13, 2007, 10:51:17 am

I was somewhat exhausted after our expedition to Yew and the subsequent feast I laid on for several guardsmen outside the barracks (I had to haul supplies all the way from Britain). My apologies for not fulfilling the patrol in time, I shall rally some guardsmen later this afternoon and make sure Altmere is well protected.

Signed in very neat, carefully considered handwriting,
Regular Arcanist Kas Valentine.

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: userjosh5368 on August 13, 2007, 10:55:36 am
Very well, but infuture soldiers I hope you take this more seriously !
Failure is not acceptable .

*Signed neatly*

Demrian Tel'var

Title: Re: Covianshire patrol Rota! (Guardsmen task!!!)
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 13, 2007, 08:11:26 pm
*Raiden reads the reports and mutters*

If you sign up fer a duty and cannot fulfill it get someone ter cover fer ye or warn the rota organizer beforehand!

I'll have the skin off the back of the next guardsman guilty of dereliction of duty!


Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant.