Title: *A poster flutters in the wind* Post by: Raiden Morana on August 02, 2007, 11:27:51 am Join The Baron's Own Grenadiers! (http://highlanders.sugeworld.com/Images/grenadier%20rally.JPG) Join Cove's elite! The Baron's own Household Guard. Receive specialist Wilderness, Explosives, Interrogation and Bodyguard training. Do YOU have the tow, row, row, row, row of a Covian Grenadier? (http://xs218.xs.to/xs218/07314/grenadiers111at0.jpg)(http://xs218.xs.to/xs218/07314/grenhon1.jpg) <a href="http://highlanders.sugeworld.com>Read The Baron's Own Grenadier's Tome. [/url] If you wish to join the Baron's Own Grenadiers please contact me, Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant at pigeon cage 205-754-768 or Grenadier Officer Cadet, Eve at pigeon cage 398-126-533. Or make your mark below. Covian Grenadiers... Be the BEST!!! |