Title: A charity auction Post by: Farfar on August 08, 2007, 08:16:53 pm I heard of this charity auction for the poor in Cove, and felt a kind of warmness, and joy, began to grow inside of me..
I quickly drank a bottle oŽbeer to shape up a bit, and started to work on my contribution. It was two suits of the finest dragon armour. I went to Cove city, to hand in my wares for the auction. I saw the Guv, the Guv saw me, the Guv sent me to get some wood, and a chest of beer... Well, i complied to it, and quickly fetched the wares he needed. I sat down, among many others, and the auction started. I couldnt bid on anything, unfortunately, since i had no money... (http://img504.imageshack.us/img504/489/auctiontv8.png) I put in the moment, were the Dragoon sergeant Hoagie impersonated Kas Valentine, to make a great bid. Unfortunately, it didnt count... Well, since the money was for the poor, and i have none... Wheres me money, Guv?! *signed with thick handwriting* Farfar. Title: Re: A charity auction Post by: qom_riyadh on August 20, 2007, 10:04:47 am 50 shillings awarded - Farfar