Title: Covetous Level 2 - Friday 10th August [2007] Post by: Garand S. on August 10, 2007, 01:25:28 pm Detailed Mapping over Covetus dungeon, second floor.
(http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/6528/covetouslvl2iw6.png) (http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/1087/poisoc4.png) POI (Points of interest): Point one: A strange black phantom at the entrance to the dungeon. It was hovering above a skeleton, and it made no move to harm me when it was approached. Point two: There was a wandering healer waiting at the entrance to the next cave. He was wandering back and forth, clearly bored out of his mind. Point three: Someone had abandoned some trousers. There was no blood, and no signs of struggle. I dubbed them the "pants of interest". Point four: There were a collection of chests and crates in a corner. We tried to pry them open to no avail. There is no clue as to what's inside. Point five: A lone cauldron stood in the middle of a band of harpies. As far as I know, harpies are unable to use such things. Perhaps the area used to be inhabited by people? Point six: Three cocoons were stuck to the wall, each suspiciously human shaped. We were unable to cut them over, and lost two daggers in the effort. Point seven: A gigantic spiders web was hanging from the ceiling. We had to keep our distance to avoid getting stuck, and I hesitate to see the spider that could string such a web. Point eight: A large pool of water near the gazer's lair. It was impossible to tell how deep it was. It could be the entrance to large underwater caverns. Monsters in the dungeon:
Traps present in the dungeon:
Air: The air in here was thicker than that in the earlier parts of the dungeon. Breathing is difficult, and it's hard not to cough. Safe places: The only relatively safe place was where the spiders took their food for storage. Sadly, it's impossible to tell when it will suddenly become crawling with spiders, so it is not a reliable safe haven. Junior Scouts, Garand & Kerri |