Title: [Report] Sentry at the Barracks... oh what a night! Post by: Amelia Cane on August 11, 2007, 09:53:48 pm Barracks Sentry
When: Saturday 11th August Where: The Barracks Commanding Officer: Zoie Hayden, Dragoon Corporal In attendance: - Olchafa Serpernt, Regular Scout - Garand, Junior Scout - Amelia Cane, Guardsman Recruit We were lazing about the Barracks when Corporal Zoie Hayden arrived on her steed, and quickly got our butts moving. A sentry, yep! We were to be on Sentry duty this fine hazy, ale swigging evening. No rest for us. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/s3rv3r/sentry1.jpg) First off we needed a few fortifications; crates and hides.. so we quickly gathered those and commenced the building works. All was quiet to start with, but then a couple of strange looking men came by. Looked and acted a bit odd, called themselves 'The Hats' or somesuch nonsense. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/s3rv3r/Sentry25.jpg) The highlight of the evening was when we were visited by the (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/s3rv3r/sentry2.jpg) It was worrying for a time, definately something brewing on the horizon so to speak. I won't be sleeping soundly in my bed tonight. I'm not sure of the outcome of this, but Corporal Hayden was very diplomatic, and sent our Scout, Garand, out to ascertain the situation... he did come back, thankfully. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/s3rv3r/sentry3.jpg) *Signed* Amelia Cane Guardsman Recruit Title: Re: [Report] Sentry at the Barracks... oh what a night! Post by: Shadwell on August 15, 2007, 07:09:45 pm Excellent! I like your style.