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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Amelia Cane on August 11, 2007, 10:53:48 pm

Title: Best wishes
Post by: Amelia Cane on August 11, 2007, 10:53:48 pm
I decided, ratherly abrubtly, to leave the guild.

I felt it wasn't for me.  I didn't fit in.

I have tried to become engaged and participate in the roleplay that is on-going, but feel for the most part I am intefering in the larger scheme of things.  I have in fact felt like a 'goosberry' butting in on cyber from time to time.

Most of you have been great, and have welcomed me.  Some haven't and I have felt (for reasons I don't know myself) to be at odds with certain individuals.

Having said that, I have greatly enjoyed some of the RP activities, especially those of Raiden's :) and I hope the BoC continues to grow and grow.   Have fun!

Peace out.


Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: Hoagie on August 11, 2007, 11:20:24 pm
A shame to see you go. :(

Take care!

Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: Krieger on August 11, 2007, 11:21:04 pm
Sorry to see you go. You seemed a great person when I spoke to you.


I have in fact felt like a 'goosberry' butting in on cyber from time to time.

Good call. Very good call.

Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: Kas Valentine on August 11, 2007, 11:56:18 pm
Come back this minute !

Join the Arcanists, we'll make sure you're taken care of, we're lovely. :-*

Seriously though when I first joined Cove I totally felt like I didn't fit in and hell in certain circles I probably still don't. But who cares about all that, you have to rise above it and just find that little niche which is 100% you. For me it was the Arcanists, of course we've only recently made the division official, but my magical roleplaying has always been a comfort zone.

I'd love to think you'd consider coming straight back but if not be good and have fun !

Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on August 12, 2007, 12:01:02 am
Come back this minute !

Join the Arcanists, we'll make sure you're taken care of, we're lovely. :-*


And it sounds like you decided to leave because of some individuals? I hope it wasn't for something that happened in game, it is role play after all. ;)

Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on August 12, 2007, 08:24:23 am
I do hope this is not about the bandages Moraine stole from you? ;)

Shame to see you go though, you seemed like a fine recruit.
As for the cyber thing, it's one of the main reasons I never joined VTC! :P

Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: Devlin on August 12, 2007, 11:39:54 am

As for the cyber thing, it's one of the main reasons I never joined VTC! :P

We would never cyber a Covian!

Except Dell. *bucks and moans*

Seemed to me as if you played a very err.. needlessly suspicious character Amelia! Might be easier to fit in for the first time with a friendly character *grin*

Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: Amelia Cane on August 12, 2007, 01:02:21 pm
Seemed to me as if you played a very err.. needlessly suspicious character Amelia! Might be easier to fit in for the first time with a friendly character *grin*

I have absolutely no idea why you would think my character's personality has anything to with me leaving.

Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: qom_riyadh on August 12, 2007, 03:59:28 pm
Ehh, so sudden! So unexpected!

I didn't even have opportunity to meet you ingame.

I understand what you mean with "interfering in the larger scheme of things" - when I joined BoC, I had a feeling of "what the hell am I doing here? They're bonded so strong with themselves, what for should they need me?".

The best tip:
you have to rise above it and just find that little niche which is 100% you.

Take a break, sure - but try to see things different way and come back someday. Or try RPing a civilian :P

No matter what will you decide: Best wishes and good luck with everything!

Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: Amelia Cane on August 12, 2007, 08:57:14 pm
Take a break, sure - but try to see things different way and come back someday. Or try RPing a civilian :P

No matter what will you decide: Best wishes and good luck with everything!

Hehe, gosh no I'd be an awful civilian, I can't seem to skill up my tailoring even after making millions of items.

But, no.. its a bit more than that, I just didn't fit in with the culture.  I wanted to be a part of the guild, and I wanted to be included in what my husband was doing as well.  But roleplaying a 'yes' man isn't really me.  Definately not for the army life I suppose. 

As its very difficult in BoC to roleplay anything other than that, I increasingly felt I didn't belong.  At the end of the day I play RPGs and MMOs to have fun, and I wasn't having that much fun, and that was reason I decided to leave. :)

You may remove me from the forums now, powers that be.

PS: I'm usually around on my two main characters Serdan and Celestina.. Say Hi if you see me.

Title: Re: Best wishes
Post by: Octiovus on August 12, 2007, 09:01:36 pm
BoC aims to accommodate all styles of play, I'm sorry if you didn't feel that you fit in. Naturally you had the option to speak with myself if you wanted to perhaps try something else, and that offer is still there. However, BoC is much what you make of it; it is unfortunate you weren't able to make the most of it and break out of the "yes man" mould, though I don't accept this is the only style of play.

Good luck with everything.