Title: [Report] Covetous! Post by: Radek Wilkes on August 11, 2007, 10:57:22 pm Leading: Marcus Tel'var, Watchman
Attending: *Ihiniar Tel'var, Watchman *Garand, Junior Scout Marcus gathered us up infront of the barraks, and said we'd be heading off to the good old local dungeon, mainly in search of harpies. After finding the harpies near the entrance all dead, we headed much deeper to find their nests. Batteling through headless things, harpies, gazers, flailing plants and so on, we finally made it to their nests, alas it was guarded by an elder of the gazers, so before long we stood over it's corpse and ploughed into the harpy nest. We trampled on eggs, and beat up slightly miffed mothers and fathers to be, before moving out of the dungeon and back to cove. We gathered a fair amount of feathers and gold. (http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/6184/covetoussssdu2.png) *Signed* Ihiniar Tel'var. |