Title: Despise Level 1 - Thursday 16th August [2007] Post by: Garand S. on August 16, 2007, 12:36:18 am Detailed Mapping over Despise dungeon, first floor.
(http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/2889/map1wf1.png) (http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/3230/poisuj9.png) Air: The air is thinner and colder. Its a lot easier to breath in the upper floor of Despise. POI (Points of interest): One: Big Spider web, though there isn't any spiders with much blood and bones. Two: A collection of crates and barrels. All locked. Three: A row of beds with hay as a pillow as well as a cooking pot with many rusted pans around. There was also a storage corner. Four: An ankh in the middle of the dungeon. It felt very peaceful when I approached it. Five: A huge web with a cocoon caught in although no spiders were present. Six: Flowers growing, means the ground in despise is fertile. Seven: A large pile of bloodied bones. Eight: A safe area with a fire, water and beds. Monsters do crawl into there but a barricade could stop them. Nine: Collection of crates and barrels. The barrels are empty and the crates locked. Ten & Eleven: An ankh which has a switch. When you flick the switch you are teleported to another ankh in another area of the dungeon. The other ankh is yellow. Twelve: Small area with cooking stuff including a fire. Also had two beds and a pile of logs. Thirteen: Large square hillish type things which are symetrical on each side. Very steep. Fourteen: Stone walls with hanging decoratings and statues. Traps: Fire - No Bladed - No Darts - No Swinging blade - No Poison - No Inhabitants: Possibly miners, Lizardmen, Traces of spiders but didn't see any. Plants: Flowers. Junior Scouts, Garand & Kerri |