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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on August 21, 2007, 05:14:54 pm

Title: Guardsman Training Report
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 21, 2007, 05:14:54 pm
In Attendance:

Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant (leading)
Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Dalamar, Regular Scout
Drachir, Regular Scout
Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout (Church Servant)
Perrin, Watchman
Brandy Arrowsnap, Watchman
Ihiniar Tel'var, Watchman
Ike Poof, Guardsman Recruit
Cadence Brown, Guardsman Recruit
Decker, Guardsman Recruit (joined part way through)
Sam, Guardsman Recruit (joined part way through)

My training was well attended indeed, with a nice mixture of Recruits, Watchmen and  more experienced guardsmen. First off as always I warmed them up. We don't want any pulled muscles, they have enough excuses to laze in the tavern as it is!


Laps and pushups were order of the day, before we indulged in a little bit of sparring. Recruit Ike was first to be sat on his backside, Kal ShadowHand showing that he can fist fight with the best of them.


The warm up complete i then held a kit inspection sending anyone without bedroll, parade arm, torch or bandies to Cove gates and back to be sure they don't forget them next time!

I next covered the basicis of healing before splitting those present into teams for some attack and defence training. It showed that much more healing training would be required especially as out newer recruits get used to their roles in combat.


To finish the training we had a free for all so those present could get their own back on the drill instructor... Which they inevitably did.

A damn fine turnout guardsmen, lets see more of it eh!?


Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant.