Title: Dal's training. Post by: Radek Wilkes on August 22, 2007, 01:15:20 am Leading: Dalamar, Regular Scout
Attending: *Brandy, Watchman *Perrin, Watchman *Ihiniar Tel'var, Watchman *Hoagie, Dragoon Sarge. *Poof, Recruit *Zoie, 'Goon Corp. After a small gathering of us had formed outside the Barracks, Dalamar thought it would be a good idea to run a training. We lined up in the arena, and ran five laps to warm up. We then had our bandage supplies checked, and everyone 'cept Corp. Zoie had enough, so she got two more laps. We then went straight into healing training, three sets of pairs, one an attacker and the other a healer, each attacker having a specific target. This went very well and was solid. We then swapped roles and did the same but on the move this time. This was not as smooth as the time before but still successful. To finish we had a last man standing which me, Hoagie and Dal took part in, Hoagie went down first, then me and Dal fought it out, me becoming the overall victor. (http://img484.imageshack.us/img484/692/strainignzk4.png) *Signed* Ihiniar Tel'var |