Title: Watchman Trials: Brandy Arrowsnap Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on August 23, 2007, 08:59:53 pm The empty echo of pages being turned flew through the empty halls of the library as the Arcanist Corporal flipped through a book over Renowned Assassinations. As he was about to put the book back in the empty space where it once stood a snake crawled out from dark shelves and jumped out towards him. Jack managed to throw himself backwards while creating a weak, but sufficient shield to surround him. The snake quickly crawled away behind the shelves. Jack looked slowly got up and shook himself, bending down to grab the book he was about to put back into the shelf. "Renowned Assassinations, mm? Well I'm not the one who believes in omens.."
Watchman Trials: Brandy Arrowsnap Greetings Watchman, it has come to my attention that you have fulfilled your requirements to receive the Covian Cap. Good work. There is however one small thing you must complete before you get the sought after prestige; you must complete your Watchman Trials. I demand nothing but the completion of the tasks and high quality reports, consequences upon failure. Good luck. *You find the first sheet sealed with the engraving: "Confidential"* Watchman, your first task is as follows: The Clever Stalker We have gotten reports of a merchant running illegal business selling forbidden wares in Cove. I want you to follow this merchant around and note down his habits and daily routines as well his likes and dislikes. I want you to construct a large and very personal file over the person in question. His name is Gully McRag and is believed to be momentarily staying at an Inn in Trinsic. He is also believed to have two body guards. Nothing else is known. In order to attain the information needed you need to not only be cunning, but have the use of a silver tongue as well. Use different kinds of disguises in order to relive the target of information. Plan ahead, if you know where he is going then be there before the target! Use different kinds of disguises; you may not grow a seed of suspicion in the target nor his bodyguards. If your ambitions are revealed or you are detected in an awkward situation, abort the mission at once; do NOT engage in combat. Remember, the guards are very suspicious characters but are aware that they are guarding a merchant and will accept believable interactions from people. For questions, do not hesitate to raise them to myself. (http://xs118.xs.to/xs118/07343/uopics.png) Mission Objectives:
Profile Conditions:
NOTE: Once you completed and/or memorized your objectives. Destroy the document. It must not come in the wrong hands! [Next Assignment locked up once first completed] |