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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on August 23, 2007, 09:11:19 pm

Title: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 23, 2007, 09:11:19 pm
Raiden sat alone in the Grenadier Halls, Demarian's letter still laid crumpled on the floor. Raiden stared at it blankly and let out a deep sigh, his expression hardening a little.

Dem' was gone too now. Salidin, Gimbly and Tyrael had all previously departed Avatar only knows when to return. Vince was dead and Eve had not been yerself for a good while, even before her abduction trying to recover the Baron's Scepter and she needed the leave she had taken.

That left himself and Regdar in active service protecting the Baron and Cove, Raiden pondered. All was not lost though. The future looked bright with Falconheart, the Tel'var cousins and the plucky lass Arel in the wings. But even so rumours were again abound of the Grenadier Curse!

The Grenadier Curse... Long had it been muttered. Greystone... Lost at sea, eaten by pandas even kidnapped by otherworlders or so the tales went. Ahmed... The Baron's most loyal soldier turning in his arms and halberd to bugger off on some damn fool pilgrimage. Then there was Arkay. He had disappeared, gone slightly mad and returned pee obsessed. Not to mention the numerous attempts on old Hrothgar's life and his long absences from Cove. Even the Baron's own cousin, Kendall vanished without a trace! Raiden was starting to think that perhaps the curse was real.

He needed an ale. Retrieving a bottle from the deep recesses of his pack Raiden uncorked it and raised it to his lips. It smelled a little funny and tasted a little more bitter than it should but Raiden didn't care he needed a drink!

He lent back in his chair, swigging deeply from the bottle. His mind wandered...

Vince and he were stood outside the barracks when Grief happened to pass by...

Grief: Yo' bruddahs!
Raiden: Ey up Grief.
Vince: Evening there Grief. Joining us for a spot of Grenadier training.
Greif: Bwah!? Bronze foo's! Curs'd... Curs'd yar Doom'ad!


Vince and Raiden exchanged glances, smirking.

Raiden: Tha' a no then matey?

Grief walked off to the tavern still ranting about the curse.

A smirk touched Raiden's lips at the memory and he took another deep swig of ale. It was getting late now and the booze was keeping him warm. Bugger it. I'll kip here he thought, the bitter drink making him drowsy.

Curse... What curse? He chuckled to himself as he drifted off into sleep.

To be continued...

[ooc]Another story which will continue and maybe even run to some events too. Again this information is OOC unless Raiden shares his experiences with you IC.[/ooc]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Mela Arkay on August 24, 2007, 05:18:09 am
(OOC: Cool story! Damn that curse.)

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on August 24, 2007, 11:13:05 am
(OOC: Made me smile in amusement. Good story.)

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Hoagie on August 24, 2007, 01:15:50 pm

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Marcus Kobra on August 25, 2007, 11:23:16 am
(OOC: Are we sure hes got an ale and not an explosion potion in his hands lol!! :D  )

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 25, 2007, 02:03:02 pm
Raiden woke with a start. Or so he thought. His mind was fuzzy from the ale, he felt groggy. The shrieking of gulls overhead made him roll and look at the sky, where was he? Then the stench of rotting fish hit him. He wretched and pushed himself to his feet. He was at the docks... But which docks?


He was in Britain or so it seemed. But what was up with everyone? Why did the ignore him.


Just my luck Raiden thought. The only person who can see and hear me is a pretty little lass dressed only in a nightgown. Bugger!


Travellin' aye? From Cove..?


Raiden felt drowsy and tired. He did indeed need a lie down.


What the... She bloody bit me!


Raiden gulped for air, gasping in disbelief. A vampire! A bloody deadie had got him! The curse? How did she know about the curse!?


Raiden woke with a start... He thought twice before believing he was actually awake. By Avatar and Lithos he thought as he tried to calm his racing pulse. A dream... It was only a dream!

He went to wipe his brow... Raena's neckscarf still grasped in his hand.

Bloody hell! Raiden ripped off his gorget to check his neck. But to his surprise there was no wound...


[ooc]Again all this stuff is ooc unless Raiden shares it with you. Many thanks to Raena for making this part of the story possible and for making it so much fun! And I hope you like the story... So far...[/ooc]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: qom_riyadh on August 25, 2007, 02:37:55 pm
[OOC] It's bloody fantastic! Great story, you womanizer :P [/OOC]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Falconheart on August 27, 2007, 08:12:49 am
Very very nice story [OOC: damn I thought I was the only one pasting alot of pics]...Well you are not the only womenizer

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: userjosh5368 on August 27, 2007, 10:44:52 pm
OOC: Nice Story man, enjoyable she is one of my Minions by the way *Cackles*, Ill be back !

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Grief Dryfh Gry on August 28, 2007, 12:17:49 am
*Grunts, resting his elbows on the polished but maggot-infected bar*

[OOC: Grenadier's got a rich history of absolute doom![OOC]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Raiden Morana on August 31, 2007, 10:09:00 am
Raiden smirked at Fli' and she smirked mischievously back.

Flina: Hey Raidy.
Raiden: Hey Fli.

Then his expression then darkened.

Flina: What's wrong?
Raiden: I need yer help lass.

Raiden and Flina had been close ever since she wandered into Cove a gypsy girl and signed up for the army by mistake and it was her gifts as a gypsy he needed now. He could think of no-one else who could help him make sense of the dream and unravel it's meaning.

They met alone, outside of Cove. The Church had always been quick to jump on Flina for her gypsy heritage or any other excuse they could conjure and the last thing Raiden wanted to do was bring anymore unhappiness her way.

Flina: What is it Raidy?

A soft smile of concern on her lips.

Raiden: Ye'll probably think me crazy but...

Raiden then went onto explain what he could remember of the dream. His mind was still a bit fuzzy so some details may have been lost but the one detail he omitted knowingly was the gender of the undead that had snared him.

A passerby could not help but overhear Raiden's version of events. He begged their forgiveness and introduced himself. He was Rasit.. Rast... Gah! Well it started with Ras' anyway and he was investigating increased vampire activity around Trinsic. Raiden and Fli' looked at eachother. Perhaps at last the Avatar was favouring the Grenadier.

The vampire hunter told of increased vampire activity around the Duchy and agreed to visit Cove to give a lecture on this particular breed of undead.

Raiden's mind was set at ease a little by the stranger and the coincidence of his intervention heartened his mood as he and Fli' bid eachother a fond farewell.

* * * * * * * *

Raiden threw himself into his duty over the next couple of days a little happier with his lot. No sooner had he returned from a hunting expedition one eve than he had every available guardsman on the roof to lecture them on the lore, virtue and history of the Baron's Own Grenadiers, Cove's finest regiment.

To his surprise part way through his lecture he noticed Flina leading the man they had met to a bench and he listened attentively to Raiden's speech.

The lecture done the three of them went to the Town Hall where Ras' tried to go through Raiden's version of the dream again offer his thoughts.

It seemed Raiden had not been the victim of a direct vampire attack and for that he was thankful. Though the man talked of Raiden's dream transporting him across the multiverse!

Raiden was even more confused than before and took his leave to get some rest. Hopefully Fli's gypsy foresight could cast some light on the matter.

* * * * * * * *

A few days later and Flina had finally deciphered some of the dream, although from the concerned expression on her face it didn't look good.

Flina: You were born in Britain right?
Raiden: Nope, the Shire. But I spent my youth in Britain.
Flina: Well... I think the fact you're dream was in Britain that perhaps you need to go there to find out more about the curse. Do you know anyone there.
Raiden: Aye, I 'ave one or two old friends there still.

Raiden looked to the floor while answering her last question and Flina nodded a little.

Flina: I think the fact your were bitten in your dream is a warning that harm may come to you or those who are close to you, maybe Eve? Maybe even me?

Raiden put his hands gently on her shoulders and looked Fli' in the eye before answering.

Raiden: If whatever is behind this tries to harm anyone I care about it will have ter get through me first!

Flina smiled softly maybe even blushing a little.

Flina: And I think the fact you woke grasping the scarf is a sign that this warning is REAL.

She looked away with a light frown.

Raiden: So what's the good news!?
Flina: There isn't any.

She regarded him tenderly.

Raiden smiled a little.

Raiden: Maybe I should go to Brit' and make a few discreet enquiries like. He patted the mace that always hung by his side.
Raiden: Thank you lass.

* * * * * * * *

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Anari/Gareck Hallows on August 31, 2007, 02:28:04 pm
[OOC:] Quality tale! Thank the avatar i went to the Dragoons with Anari ehh? ^^ Keep it up, I wanna know what happens next!![/OOC:]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Scarlet Grayner on August 31, 2007, 07:55:03 pm
(OOC: Loving it!)

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Radek Wilkes on August 31, 2007, 09:38:38 pm
[ooc: Nice story! All your broze, belongs to me! *Cackles*]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: userjosh5368 on August 31, 2007, 09:49:52 pm
[OOC:Nice man Its bed time stories for me *Shifts eyes* Ah well see ya al real soon Stalker!]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 05, 2007, 03:47:20 pm
The door burst open and Raiden turned around, a cheeky grin on his face.

Flina: Raidy!
Raiden: Fli!

They smiled and sat together.

Flina: There was a funny woman wandering around the barracks tonight looking for "her kitty".

Raiden felt sick to his stomach but masked his discomfort well.

Raiden: Really? A cat lover eh?
Flina: Uh huh.
Raiden: What did she look like? An old hag or summat?
Flina: Well. No. She was young and had red hair. A total clash!

Flina rolled her eyes and Raiden chuckled a little as she continued.

Flina: She wore a light green dress and was asking people if they had seen "her kitty".

Raiden looked away for a moment lost in thought. Again hiding his surprise and discomfort at this latest turn of events. He smiled softly at Flina.

Raiden: Sounds like she was a bit of a loon!
Flina: Yuh huh! She was totally nuts.

Flina looked at him and smiled.

Flina: I also saw Rastiano too. He said that you should maybe go back to Britain and see if anything jogs your memory.

Raiden rubbed his chin.

Raiden: Aye! I think I'll do just that!

If somehow the vampire from his dream had followed him through the multiverse to Cove she was in HIS world now. Not Raena's, Raidens! And she would give him some answers.

[ooc]Another little snippet as the story of the Grenadier Curse continues. Again this conversation is OOC information, although some of you may have seen the strange woman searching for "her kitty" around Cove.[/ooc]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Mat Shadowhand on September 05, 2007, 04:31:26 pm
Someone needs to find out why the Grenadiers are Cursed and why! We keep loosing them at the rate the Scouts will have to step up to take Guard over the Baron.

Signed Church Servant: Kal ShadowHand

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 07, 2007, 05:58:00 pm
Before heading to Britain Raiden sought out the one person in Cove who could perhaps shed more light on the Grenadier Curse and the forces that he would be up against.

He met Sergeant Hrothgar outside the barracks and they made their way to the church so they could talk in private.


What explanation could Hroth' offer to explain the curse?


Go on...


Vampires... Bugger!


*shifty eyes*


So the curse has followed the Baron's bodyguard whether Blade or Grenadier. Always watching, always waiting, always ready to strike at those how threaten "The Society's" existence.


Well I might as well find them before they find me.

To be continued...

[ooc]Again all OOC info unless you are told directly. Thanks to Hroth' for helping out[/ooc]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: qom_riyadh on September 07, 2007, 06:02:40 pm
[OOC]*drops jaw in amazement* This totally rocks! More! More!![/OOC]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Marcus Kobra on September 08, 2007, 10:29:33 am
[OOC]: Hmm Loving it! and I jsut love Vampires! Also never knew the scouts and grenadiers had been one unit in days passed [OOC]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 08, 2007, 12:27:28 pm
No sooner had Raiden locked his front door after returning home from the meeting with Hrothgar than there was a knock on it.

To Raiden's surprise it was Dragoon Sergeant Hoagie.

Hoagie: 'Ello Raiden, there was some red haired lass came up to me last night. Was lookin' for you.
Raiden: 'Ey up Hoags. Errr... Yer mean Fli?

Raiden smiled fondly to himself.

Hoagie: She said to give you this... Nah darker hair.

Hoagie handed Raiden a silken shirt like the one he was wearing in his dream.

Hoagie: Was a bit crazy...
Raiden: Well... I... Uhmmm...

Raiden let out a deep breath.

Hoagie: Oh? She also wants her neckscarf back.

So it was Raena come to Cove looking for Raiden!

Raiden looked at Hoagie almost speechless.

Raiden: Hoags... We're friends aye?
Hoagie: Aye 'course.
Raiden: I swear on my honour this aint how it looks!

Raiden looked Hoagie straight in the eye.

Raiden: There's summat not right here and I need to get to the bottom of it.

Hoagie folded his arms loosely.

Hoagie: Aye? I'm listenin'.
Raiden: I can't tell you more... But it aint how it looks. And this woman aint what she seems.

Hoagie raised a brow.

Raiden: Well she IS a woman but... it aint how it looks.
Hoagie: Well she was a whole barrel o' crazy.
Raiden: Well, if yer see this woman again tell her I'm lookin' fer her.
Hoagie: ... Not 'elpin'.

Raiden grinned a little.

Raiden: I gave you my word a while back about something... And I'll never break it.


Hoagie looked at Raiden and nodded.

Raiden: Yer just have ter trust me.

Hoagie pondered briefly then nodded to Raiden again, closing the door behind him.

Raiden sagged in his chair. If somehow Raena was real and in Cove he was in danger, those he cared about were in danger, hell every guardsman and peasant was in danger.

He must find her... And quick.

To be continued...

[ooc]Hoh even the damn Dragoons are getting dragged into the story - cheers Hoags[/ooc]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Farfar on September 10, 2007, 12:14:17 am
[OOC] Awesome! keep on writing, im hooked! [/OOC]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Khaelieth on September 10, 2007, 08:45:54 am
[OOC: Watch out! Ogres are eavesdropping!]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 12, 2007, 07:15:21 am
Raiden joined Hoagie and Ihiniar in the tavern, he wasn't much in the mood for conversation but gave his thanks for the ale Hoagie bought him.

Ihiniar: Summat up Sarge? Ye look troubled.
Raiden: Just got summat ter sort out tha's all lad.
Ihiniar: Need a hand?

Raiden downed his ale in one.

Raiden: Nah... I need ter do it alone... Thank ye lad.

Raiden smiled faintly and got up slowly clapping his hand on Ihiniar's shoulder.

Raiden: Get them trials done eh lad? Let's see yer in bronze.

He liked Ihiniar, maybe a little more than he let on and had high hopes for him as a Grenadier.

He then nodded slightly to Hoagie. He had known Hoagie since joining the army and was proud to call him a friend.

Would this be the last time he saw them?

Raiden: Good eve lads. See yer later... I hope.

The last two words were muttered under his breath as he saluted sharply drawing a puzzled look from both Hoagie and Ihiniar.

Raiden then set off on the road to Britain and the Cat's Lair tavern... In search of a kitty!

* * * * * * * *

Raiden steeled himself and opened the tavern door quietly. She was there! Raena! Sat with her back to him. Did she know he was coming? Should he have her head off now? No! He took a deep breath and a step to his front...

[ooc]Stay tuned for the final installment (for the time being ;)) of the Grenadier Curse! Har![/ooc]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 13, 2007, 10:09:33 pm
Raiden moved silently behind her, war axe in his hand. He raised his arm and...


Must... Not... Let... Her... Seduce... Me... Again!


Aint gonna happen kitty! Hoh!

Gotten by the tail? *coughs*


Bloody deadies!


Oooh... Now he's angry!


Hoh! Now he's very angry!


You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!


Raiden slinked from the tavern. He felt sick to his stomach.

Had he just made things better or had they taken a turn for the worse.

With a heavy heart he made his way back from Britain, walking along almost in a daze. Wandering blindly he ended up at a place where he had comforted someone close not so long ago and he found a little peace.

Quickly scribbling a note he let a pigeon soar. He needed... Company.


What will become of Raiden, the Grenadier Curse and Cove?

Only time will tell...

[ooc]Well that's it i'm afraid, for the time being at least. I hope you found the story enjoyable and i'd just like to say thanks again to everyone who helped me put it together. FOR COVE![/ooc]

Title: Re: The Grenadier Curse!
Post by: qom_riyadh on September 14, 2007, 05:49:30 am
[OOC]This story has been officially marked as the "Boom of the Year!" Damn good! Now, let the garlic vendetta begin![/OOC]