Title: [COMPLETE] Thursday 28th August, 7pm GMT (19:00): Intelligence Op. Post by: Arma Renox on August 28, 2007, 03:32:00 pm On Thursday at 7pm, I will be taking a small vessel on an intelligence gathering mission to Britain; capital city of the Royalists.
Any marine interested guardsman would be advised to attend; those who are unaware of the Navy should also come along, and see how we do things at sea! Scouts especially, and any other guardsmen are of course welcome. We have placed a (yet unfilled) order with the citizens for some disguises, but it may be prudent to bring some of your own! We will be masquerading as noblemen and women, although if you are unable to pull off a posh accent, you'll just have to dress like a servant! Signed, Arma Renox Commodore Title: Re: Thursday 28th August, 7pm GMT (19:00): Intelligence Op. Post by: Raiden Morana on August 30, 2007, 07:00:23 am *BUMP*