Title: *A note on the commanders table* Post by: Feraz on April 19, 2005, 04:53:03 pm *Feraz walks up the stairs to the barracks and enters it. Looks around, all empty. He walks towards the desk where the commander use to sit and takes of his body sash with his badge and the cap allong with a note*
Dear Commander! I will leave the Covian guardforce. I hope thou and the baron are pleased with the duty i 'ave done, i did meh best. My time 'ere 'ad been grand and i hope thou will all 'ave a grand and wonderful life. For Cove! And follow the Avatar and victory shall be yours! Farewell! Your very own Feraz *The letter is signed with a neat handwriting* (OOC: Yeah Feraz is leaving since i have too much IRL to do to stay as active as it requires (And i work shit times) But Tom Rackham will still be around so don't even think about taking a vacation now cause then i will steal yer cash so ye cant take the vacation. Well i see you around but probably not in friendly relations then... muahahah!!) Title: Re: *A note on the commanders table* Post by: Gregor Eason on April 19, 2005, 04:57:23 pm The Commander read the letter later that day.
"Hrmm.." He crossed yet another name of the Militia roster. OOC: Sorry to see ye go matey, but I understand ye reasons *nods* Take care! Title: Re: *A note on the commanders table* Post by: Delcarakdur on April 19, 2005, 09:39:43 pm *Delcarakdur walks in and stares for a moment at a note lying on the commanders desk* Tenna'ento lye omenta, mellon... *He then stalks away muttering to himself with a sad look on his face*
[OOC: Sorry to hear that, you one of the best guys around in the guild! And yer a scandinavian! Go Northerners!] |