Title: Intelligence Operation to Britain Post by: Arma Renox on September 02, 2007, 08:36:30 pm Thursday 30th August, 7pm GMT
Attending: Arma Renox, Commodore Eve, Grenadier Officer Cadet Ihiniar Tel'var, Watchman As per Sergeant Hrothgar's orders, the Navy mounted a mission to assess the defensive capabilities of the Royalists' home City: Britain. (http://blindmansworkshop.com/boc/30.08.intop1.jpg) I "disguised" myself as a sailor (at which point Flina Trix decided she would not be attending if it meant wearing a This would serve as not only a disguise, but also as part of a cover to avoid awkward questions. (http://blindmansworkshop.com/boc/30.08.intop2.jpg) Arriving at the docks and tying up the boat, we noticed no guardsmen, and were asked no questions by the workers there! Not even the harbour master raised a brow at the finely dressed couple and their sailor... Not only were the docks themselves undefended, but a channel also leading up through the centre of the city was unguarded. We even found ships, discarded and unlocked, scattered along the coast. (http://blindmansworkshop.com/boc/30.08.intop3.jpg) Just as we thought our luck was running out, having stumbled upon a guard tower, it turned out that even a defensive structure on the Eastern coast was completely empty, with not a guard or even a cannon in sight! (http://blindmansworkshop.com/boc/30.08.intop4.jpg) I used a piece of reflective glass to mark the cliff face near the tower, so that it could be seen by our naval forces from sea, in the case of a potential "excursion"... Using one of the unguarded boats, we sailed across the bay to our own vessel, to decrease the risk of being stopped, and made a quick exit! (http://blindmansworkshop.com/boc/30.08.intop5.jpg) The verdict: Britain's defences, from a naval perspective at least, are a shambles! Royalist scum! Signed, Arma Renox Commodore Title: Re: Intelligence Operation to Britain Post by: Hrothgar on September 03, 2007, 04:11:51 pm Excellent work Commodore, this information will prove usefull to the Empire.
Also i am a Sergeant, not a corporal.. Signed- Sergeant Hrothgar De'Mar. Title: Re: Intelligence Operation to Britain Post by: Arma Renox on September 03, 2007, 04:13:27 pm [OOC] Then change your forum avatar from Corporal! ;) [/OOC]