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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on September 03, 2007, 06:16:29 pm

Title: Raiden's Wilderness Survival Training!
Post by: Raiden Morana on September 03, 2007, 06:16:29 pm
Attended by:

Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant (leading)
Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Kelly, Scout Corproal
Dalamar, Regular Scout
Flina Trix, Junior Dragoon
Marcus Tel'var, Watchman
Ihiniar Tel'var Watchman

Having already led one Wilderness Survival Training to the frozen wastes of the lost lands without any fatalities I decided to head out with a band of trusty guardsmen to the burning hot deserts that lie there too.

Now as no tree that grows in the desert yields timber strong enough to construct a sturdy outpost I ordered wood to be chopped before we left the Shire. The extra burden would test the guardsmen's stamina, it was a training session after all!


Also before leaving Cove I ordered everyone to stow their armour. A fully clad warrior won't last long in the heat plus I had a little surprise for them on our journey to test their teamwork and battle readiness under extreme conditions.

We headed out to the Fire dungeon slowed only by the Scouts in our party. *shifty eyes* Once there we armed up and let loose our war cries before entering the sweltering cave. We gave battle to the fiery inhabitants and made quick progress. The squad showing true Covian swagger in slaying all comers. Only to be expected of course with the Grenadier Sergeant leading and two aspiring Tel'vars *coughs* Grenadiers in the group.


We made our way out of the dungeon into the ancient lands. The brightness of the sun and strength of the heat hit us like a wall, as did a horde of fiery foes. We stood firm and beat them down, again showing fine teamwork and swagger.

Once Flina had recovered from her swoon (well she's only human *winks*) we continued until I spotted a suitable defensive position to set up camp. Marcus, Flina and myself set out to forage for water and food while the others set up camp.

For a long while it looked like it would be cactus juice for dinner but eventually we found a nearby river, expertly sniffed out by Marcus and Fli'. I handed Trixy a bucket from my pack and she gathered some water while Marcus and I kept watch and hoped to catch sight of some beasts to kill for food.


A few dead fire wolves and lava snakes later and we had our meal and water aplenty to keep us alive so we headed back to camp where Hoagie was nominated as cook.

I tossed him a skillet, which he caught with his face, (Errr... Sorry about that Hoags) and he prepared the food while Flina made sure everyone had enough water. The camp had been constructed well under Hoagies supervision and the shade it offered was a welcome break from the burning sun. That said Flina still found time to build sandcastles, Dalamar sat alone on the sand and a rather jumpy Kelly set about sunbathing.


Dinner was served and promptly spat out! Luckily Fli' had brought cake and luckily it wasn't mint flavoured so I we were saved. I gave orders for everyone to keep filled up on water as the sun can drain even the hardiest warrior.

After we had braved the day's most aggressive conditions and the area's most aggressive inhabitants I gave the order to break camp and head back to Cove, again with no fatalities!

Not even sunburn! Hoh!

Well done everyone, you all get the Raiden Survival Training Badge! *Grins*


Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant.

Title: Re: Raiden's Wilderness Survival Training!
Post by: Eve Thenasa on September 03, 2007, 07:06:17 pm
Well done Sarge! and to all those in attendance.

Eve, Grenadier Officer Cadet

Title: Re: Raiden's Wilderness Survival Training!
Post by: Hoagie on September 03, 2007, 10:09:05 pm
That's what you get for making me cook!

Hoagie Grayner,
Dragoon Sergeant

Title: Re: Raiden's Wilderness Survival Training!
Post by: Kelly Sanderson on September 04, 2007, 07:13:14 pm
I think my towels still win the competition for comfort, nomatter what Sergeant Hoagie says.

Kelly Valentine, Scout Corporal