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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Rebecca - The Swaggers Inn. on September 13, 2007, 07:01:44 pm

Title: Bagball: Yew vs. Cove - Thursday 20th. September 8 UK-time in the Eve.
Post by: Rebecca - The Swaggers Inn. on September 13, 2007, 07:01:44 pm
*Footman Annwyn B. from Stonekeep pins up a note at the Barrac's in Cove*

Greetings Covians,
I would like ter invite yer all to a eve in Yew for some bagball.
Two things - It will keep yer fit and who is best at bagball?
Annwyn B.

The game(s) will be held at the Arduin's Meadow
- on two fields, next to the Church.

Yewish Trainee's vs. the Covian Recruits.
Yewish Footmen vs. the Covian Watchmen.
Yewish Ironarms vs. the Covian Guardsmen.
Yewish Marksmen vs. the Covian Grenadiers.
Yewish Watchers vs. the Covian Scouts.
Yewish Besiegers vs. the Covian Dragoons.
Yewish Veterans/Command vs. the Covian Veterans/Command

To enter your team - Please contact Annwyn B.
With pigeon (227-765-532) or PM.

Each game will go on 3 minutes.
1 or 2 minute timeout - Depending how much puff'ing there is from the Higher Ranks.
then another 3 minutes.
- However, if the score is a tie, two more minutes will be added.

The rules:
* A Team must have 4 players.
* No dirty tricks. It's a match between friends and allies.
Should a Team break the rule, the Team will be disqualified.