Title: COMPLETED Sat 22/09 8pm GMT, Fish for a fish! Post by: Axiana on September 18, 2007, 10:51:05 pm Event:- Fish for a fish! ~ Civilians and any available guardsmen.
When:- Saturday 22nd September, 8pm GMT Meet:- At Cove's Docks where 'the fisherman's dream' awaits. Bring:- Fishing rods. I have hired the sailor of the fisherman's dream to sail us to the deep waters. There we shall lay nets to catch us enough fish to feed our fine Baronship of Cove for some time. Ye need not have any fishing knowledge. Either bring a fishing rod along, if ye want to have a go at fishing, or bring a story to tell! In disturbing the waters we often disturb the beasts that live within, therefore I would ask that all available guardsmen be there to ensure our safety. Title: Re: COMPLETED Sat 22/09 8pm GMT, Fish for a fish! Post by: Axiana on September 22, 2007, 06:08:03 pm *BUMP*