Title: (COMPLETE) Wednesday 19 September, 7pm GMT. A thirst for knowledge Post by: Eve Thenasa on September 19, 2007, 01:12:54 am Event:- A thirst for knowledge
When:- Wednesday 19th September, 7pm GMT Meet:- Inside Cove's Library Guardsmen/women, Our fine library contains certain works of fiction, lore and history, but it lacks in books of lore, needed for developing and training the army. Verity, a librarian in Britain's Library, has agreed to allow us access to such books, in return for our assistance. First we are required to join the library, Verity will meet us after the seventh hour! *signed* Eve, Grenadier Corporal (OOC:- We will be following the 'friends of the library quest'. Those who have already done this quest can come along for the fun and the hunt /OOC) Title: Re: TODAY Wednesday 19 September, 7pm GMT. A thirst for knowledge Post by: Falconheart on September 19, 2007, 04:02:56 pm *uneasy BUMPS*