Title: Senior Tiberius's Training Post by: Jon Trent on September 21, 2007, 07:42:37 pm Senior Tiberius's Training.
Attended by: Tiberius, Senior Guardsman (led) Hrothgar, Sergeant Eve, Grenadier Corporal Ihiniar Tel'var, Junior Grenadier Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman Falconheart, Junior Guardsman Marcus Tel'var, Watchman JT - Jon Trent, Guardsman Recruit We were gathered on the barracks rooftop by Senior Tiberius, me being the lone recruit, the rest of those assembled looked hardened and experienced. Hardened and experienced though they were none would take the time to pen the report so I volunteered. The training started off with basic drilling and formation orders, which i think were carried out to the drill masters satisfaction. Next up was physical exercise. Laps and push up's in alternating groups before a brisk jog to Cove docks for a spot of swimming. Now I tried to explain to the Senior that I could not swim but he decided to give me a crash course anyway. Grabbing me by the sash he hurled me into the water like I was a rag doll. (http://xs319.xs.to/xs319/07385/jt1.jpg) After I blustered about for a minute or so trying not to drown Tiberius hauled me back out so I could cough and wretch on the dockside. Another brisk jog took us into the Glenmore mountains where rock climbing was order of the day. While my fellow guardsmen flapped and floundered on the rock face I climbed nimbly and swiftly to sit upon a ledge where I hummed a happy tune and looked down smugly on the rest. After a while we were ordered back down and jogged back to the barracks where we had a free for all to finish off. I did rather better than expected and lasted almost until the end but I was bashed from behind by a huge shield. I think the chap with the big shield was last to stand but my head was a bit fuzzy so I may be wrong. JT - Jon Trent, Guardsman Recruit. |