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Element boards => Citizen Administration Board => Topic started by: Drachir on September 22, 2007, 02:05:36 am

Title: Delsa Wineblotch Commoner (175)
Post by: Drachir on September 22, 2007, 02:05:36 am
Name: Delsa Wineblotch
Occupation: Tailor
Current Standing: Commoner.
Current Shilling Count: 175/500.
Shillings awarded for:

Citizen task board tasks: 1/3
 - <a href="http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,8163.msg71824.html#msg71824" target="_blank">Weed Killer[/url] (70s)
 - <a href="http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,9524.msg72003.html#msg72003"
target="_blank">Till The Fields[/url] (65s)

Cultural Events attended: 1/1
 - <a href="http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,9474.msg71629.html#msg71629"
target="_blank">Bring And Buy Market With Axiana[/url] (40s)

Adding to the Covian culture: 0/1

Other / miscellaneous tasks: 0

TRIAL: Not passed