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OOC Boards => OOC Board => Topic started by: Drachir on September 22, 2007, 07:37:47 pm

Title: A signature for Delsa.
Post by: Drachir on September 22, 2007, 07:37:47 pm
          If anyone is feeling a little creative, and is rather talented at making character signatures, I would most appreciate it if someone could make my citizen, Delsa Wineblotch, a signature for the forums.

It doesn't need to be too complex, just a good-looking, medieval-style signature.
Things to include:
The name 'Delsa Wineblotch'
The phrase 'Commoner of Cove'
Maybe a background of a hamlet, or a village? with a sketched effect?
And also the Europa Logo thingy.

Anyone who's up for making me this please reply to this thread and I'll get in contact with you via ICQ! I will also pay the grand sum of 200,000 gold for the creation of this signature!
