Title: COMPLETED Grenadier Brotherhood Hunt 26 Sept. 7.30pm GMT (Potentials Welcome) Post by: Eve Thenasa on September 26, 2007, 10:34:52 am Event:~ Grenadier Brotherhood Hunt (Potentials Welcome)
When:~ Wednesday 26th September 7.30pm GMT Meet:~ Grenadier Headquarters Grenadiers and Potentials ~ Meet at the Grenadier Headquarters by 7.30PM GMT. Location of Hunt dependent on numbers! The grenadier fund needs to look healthier! *signed* Eve, Grenadier Corporal Title: Re: TODAY! Grenadier Brotherhood Hunt 26 Sept. 7.30pm GMT (Potentials Welcome) Post by: Raiden Morana on September 26, 2007, 11:45:25 am *BUMP*