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In Character Boards => In Character Board => Topic started by: Raiden Morana on October 08, 2007, 10:35:30 pm

Title: Drow Hunt Report
Post by: Raiden Morana on October 08, 2007, 10:35:30 pm
Led by: Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant.

Attended by: Mela, Scout Sergeant; Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant; Drachir, Regular Scout; Dalamar, Regular Scout; Falconheart; Junior Grenadier.

Loot Donated To The Coffers: Drachir 5000, Raiden 5000.

We rallied at the barracks and headed out for the dungeon Despise. I explained the rules... Basically kill, loot, don't get knocked and yer money pouch taken, the person with the most gold at the end wins.

Heh! Apart from that there aint many rules... 'Tis a Drow hunt after all!

After a slow start it was Dalamar who was first to horde his loot with me making him the early leader. But he was soon overtaken by Flaconheart's pile of gold, plus Falc' also managed to knock Dal' thus taking his pile too to put him in a very healthy lead.

Drachir's cries of pain could be heard numerous times in the lower reaches of the dungeon as he struggled to make an impression and very little was seen or heard of the Scout and Dragoon Sergeants. *shifty eyes*

Falconheart led the way right until the death *coughs* amassing quite a total (around 18k) before he fell foul of the marauding Dragoon Sergeant just before I got my horn out to signal an end to hostilities.

I gave my horn a good blast and summoned everyone back to me for the final reckoning.


The last name on the scroll was a little hard to read... Damn my writing, and Hoagie got into a fearful paddy, until I finally confirmed him the winner.

I gave each guardsman 5000 coins fer their effort, Drachir donated his to the coffers along with 5,000 i kept back also.

A good show everyone... And yer know who to target on the next one eh? *shifty eyes*


Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant.

Title: Re: Drow Hunt Report
Post by: Falconheart on October 09, 2007, 03:36:39 pm
It was not only Hoagie! I ran right into a fight with with Dalamar and Hoagie..Both seem to 'ave scores to settle with me and changed their attitudes towards each other and forcused on me.
I tried to hold them off with paralyzing blows from my bow... and heal like hell...then in a critical moment nay had any health vials left to swallow.

Aye Sarge! I will remember next time *grins*

Title: Re: Drow Hunt Report
Post by: Hoagie on October 09, 2007, 03:59:55 pm
Aye! Target Raiden.

Hoagie Grayner,
Dragoon Sergeant

Title: Re: Drow Hunt Report
Post by: Falconheart on October 09, 2007, 05:14:13 pm
Aye! Target Raiden.

Hoagie Grayner,
Dragoon Sergeant

Dont think so Sarge! *grins a bit*