Title: Raiden's Recruitment Rampage Post by: Raiden Morana on October 09, 2007, 09:05:22 am I will pay the grand sum of 2 million gold pieces to the Guardsman/woman who places most recruitment banners from Monday 01/10/07 to Sunday 04/11/07.
A minimum of 25 points must be achieved to qualify! The leaderboard so far... Eve, Grenadier Corporal - 72 points Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant - 50 points (fortunately for you lot I don't apply!) Ihiniar Tel'var, Junior Grenadier - 44 points Jon Trent, Watchman - 10 points. Kerri, Junior Scout - 6 points. Garand, Junior Scout - 6 points. I'll do my best to see that the recruitment pouch in the barracks is kept well stocked, but cloth, dyes, torches and blank books aren't hard to come by if you are desperate. Also with the "Jack of all trades" it doesn't take long to copy a number of leaflets from an existing one. So get out there and get laying banners! If you lead a Recruitment Stall I'll count that as 5pts. Post banner reports in the Grand Banner Campaign thread as per usual. Good luck! Raiden. Remember a banner must consist of Covian coloured cloth (Tan & Shadow), a recruitment leaflet, a torch and if at all possible a rune. Title: Re: Raiden's Recruitment Rampage Post by: Raiden Morana on October 22, 2007, 11:23:22 am Only 2 weeks to go!
Get laying those banners! If anyone needs any books or cloth etc. please contact me. Remember there's 2mil in gold up for grabs! Raiden. Title: Re: Raiden's Recruitment Rampage Post by: Mela Arkay on October 29, 2007, 07:31:25 pm And no ones started this? Hah, I'm gonnaaa wiinn! *Starts placing*
Title: Re: Raiden's Recruitment Rampage Post by: Raiden Morana on November 05, 2007, 12:30:42 am Congratulations to Grenadier Corporal Eve on winning the cheque for 2 million for her tremendous recruitment effort this month placing a whopping 72 banners!
Well done to everyone else who took part and helped the recruitment push during October! Raiden. |