Title: Guardsmen Hunt to Despise Post by: Marcus / Straeban on October 23, 2007, 04:35:51 pm Hunt to Despise
Led By: Grenadier Sergeant: Raiden Morana Attended By: Junior Grenadier: Falconheart Junior Guardsman: Delcarakdur Guardsman Recruit: Belorion Guardsman Recruit: Thomas Scarr Guardsman Recruit: Bardicous Guardsman Recruit: Justice Forum (Later on) Watchman: Marcus Tel'var We were all gathered at the barracks and filled on on what it was we were about to do, then Sergeant Morana had asked who would like to do the report for this hunt so that it goes into the History of one of Coves Great Hunts. Of course no one wanted to do it so I told the Sergeant that I would do it then. (http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/2510/uo0001wd9.jpg) The Sergeant then asked one of the Recruit mages to open a portal to the place called Despise, and once it was opened we all were ordered to step through. As we got to the otherside we were ordered to line up. Then we were told to stay close, Heal well, and kill all that got in our way. We then entered the Dungeon and to my surprise we were not greated, I was somewhat bothered that there wasn't anything there to great us and make us feel unwelcome, but none the less we will make our pressence known soon. (http://img503.imageshack.us/img503/4489/uo0002mw5.jpg) We moved about as a group like we were ordered till we fisally were noticed. It was a Small Dragon, Baby no doubt, but like the older ones it had to fall and so we begain our assault on the Dungeon. (http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/2584/uo0003am3.jpg) We hacked and slashed at the small dragon with blood and scales splattering on us and dampening the ground at our feet till it breathed no more. It was certain now that other more powerfull Dragons had heard the Battle and the Cryies from the small dragon, and that they would soon be on us like the death on the Grave Yard. (http://img218.imageshack.us/img218/3829/uo0004lw5.jpg) None the less we had a job to fullfill and nothing was going to stop us no matter how big and mean they look, the Coveian Army was their to slay all that lived. Now moving on we did infact get stopped by two large dragons and a small dragon, in which they posed no real threat as they fell one by one leaving the small dragon for last, it fell quicker, way quicker than the other two larger ones. (http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/2227/uo0005tp1.jpg) Still moving on we came across this incline that we had to check out, so we headed up and ran into some large serpents like snakes that wasn't too happy to see us but was more eager to have us for lunch, our strike and poise was too much for them and in the end they were just as dead as the dragons we killed before hand. (http://img128.imageshack.us/img128/2393/uo0006up2.jpg) Further in we came across another group of them Giant Snakes and the same reaction as before they were slain like the others. We all were getting pretty tired by now from all the fighting, but knew that we could not stop or we all would not leave alive. We pressed on laying everything in our path to perminant rest. It seemed like the more of them Giant Snakes we likked, there were more to take their places. (http://img148.imageshack.us/img148/254/uo0007ia8.jpg) We came to a down slope and we were then ordered to return to the entrance. So down we went and on our way back to the Dungeon opening when we were confronted by two more dragons. We Formed up and tok them down like a pack of hungry wolves that haven't eaten for days. (http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/4050/uo0008hu8.jpg) We made our way to and out the Entrance and the Sergeant had one of the Recruit Mages open a portal back home. We then entered the Portal and was in the Town of Cove instead of by the Barracks so we ran to line up at the Barracks where we then placed all the gathered coins on the step by the Sergeants feet. (http://img116.imageshack.us/img116/4492/uo0009fi2.jpg) We then were told that we did a good job and the coins was devided which mine went to the Grenadiers Coffer twinty-five hundred to be correct, and then we were dissmissed. Signed Watchman: Marcus Tel'var Title: Re: Guardsmen Hunt to Despise Post by: Raiden Morana on October 23, 2007, 05:22:08 pm Well done lads 'n' lasses!
Grand report Marcus. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant. Title: Re: Guardsmen Hunt to Despise Post by: Tyrael on October 23, 2007, 07:56:28 pm I don't recall dragons being in despise...
Maybe they are breeding like rabbits! *runs off donning his helm and his bow* *~Signed~* Tyrael Styx, Junior Grenadier Title: Re: Guardsmen Hunt to Despise Post by: Marcus / Straeban on October 23, 2007, 09:26:40 pm (Looks over the report at his mistake)
So I made a mistake on what the Dungeon was called, I be only Human as ye all are, well, with the exception of some. We all make mistakes. The Dungeon was actually called Destard that we went to. Signed Watchman: Marcus Tel'var |