Title: Barracks Sentry Post by: Jon Trent on October 25, 2007, 08:24:50 pm Attended by:
JT - Jon Trent, Watchman - Leading Gloria Heartwood, Guardsman Recruit Tony Clayton, Guardsman Recruit A Friend Two of our newer recruits lined up outside the barracks along with the dark clad figure who helped me on patrol the other eve. I explained we would take only what we needed from the forest to help us construct our sentry post, and off we went. (http://xs120.xs.to/xs120/07434/UO1433.jpg) (http://xs120.xs.to/xs120/07434/UO1436.jpg) (http://xs120.xs.to/xs120/07434/UO1439.jpg) (http://xs120.xs.to/xs120/07434/UO1440.jpg) Our friend, myself and Gloria chopped some logs, although the lass reckoned the trees she tried hacking at didn't work *grins* and the other recruit hunted some animals for hides and we set to work building our outpost. It was a well constructed outpost if i do say so myself and it kept the wolves that roamed about at bay as they were our only visitors. I sent the recruits out to patrol around the buildings and again all was quiet as we kept watch over Cove. JT - Jon Trent, Watchman. |