Title: The former Covian goes running Post by: Gregor Eason on October 27, 2007, 03:51:45 am Good morn there, Covians!
Run, Fat Eason, Run! T'is I! Gregor Eason! Formerly Commander, Exploring Officer, and Naval Lieutenant. I humbly ask you for your generosity! On 13th April 2008 I shall be partaking in the London Marathon 2008! A grizzly 26.2 mile run around the capital. I shall be running for West Midlands Lupus Group; Lupus being an incurable disease I lost my Father to back in 1990. Its a long shot, as we don't know eachother in RL that well, but I'd very much like to ask for any possible donations to mah cause! If I receive three or more donations (no matter how small) from Covians, I'll write "For Cove!" on my arm on the big day ;d (With pictures to prove!) Sponsoring Eason And sooo.. If you'd like to donate the Easonator, cheque form is probably easiest! Please make yo donation payable to "West Midlands Lupus Group", and kindly send to me! Surya Bajracharya 29 West Brampton Newcastle under Lyme Staffordshire ST5 2BD England T'would be most most most awesome if you could donate. Whether its a pound or even more! (I'm aiming to raise £850 altogether). Also, if you're a Tax payer, it'd be pro (but not necessary) if you included your name, home address, and postcode, as this will enable the charity to reclaim 28p on each pound you donate through Gift Aid. However, I know sending your address off to a total stranger isn't exactly too uber ;d Anyway, thanks in advance for any support, whether financial or moral ;d And for Facebook users, I have a Group set up at; http://keele.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5530278818 Toodles fo'sho! Surya/Eason Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Jack Sinist (•̪●) on October 27, 2007, 08:37:45 am I'll donate for a tattoo.
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Marcus Kobra on October 27, 2007, 09:59:41 am Hmm are you able to accept American Dollars?? oh and are you also Serious or are you just being a Mafketle eh?? If your indeed serious then I can be reached at mrvyper007@yahoo.com please include BoC or EASON in the Subject line, or else I'll be disposing of it with my standard 100 spams per day all asking me to buy things I won't mention here!!
Oh roight. Can you include a web address if the WMLG has one? I'd love to go Cheers Mate! Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Tyrael on October 27, 2007, 10:03:32 am Got Paypal mate?
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: qom_riyadh on October 27, 2007, 10:22:33 am Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Radek Wilkes on October 27, 2007, 10:31:57 am You live, bloody close to me, how scarey.
Unless your only a student here, in that case, you don't. =p But, i'm from stoke-on-trent, that's what? A mile away from newcastle? Heh. I'll probably send something if i remember. =) Matt/Ihiniar Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Samuel West on October 27, 2007, 11:12:29 am Cool! Good luck! Don't die
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Kelly Sanderson on October 27, 2007, 11:16:17 am Remind me closer to the time and I'll send something to you :)
Sounds like a good cause! Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Eve Thenasa on October 27, 2007, 11:51:55 am A good cause:) I'll donate!
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Gregor Eason on October 27, 2007, 01:49:42 pm I'm at student at Keele University :D I ain't no Stokie! Whahaha!
Yeah, sadly I'm serious. I shall begin reviewing the PayPal options and the Covian tattoo hah! This is the charity I'm running for; www.westmidlandslupus.co.uk Many thanks for your support already guys! Surya/Eason Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Khaelieth on October 27, 2007, 08:23:49 pm When is the last date it must be at yours by?
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Gregor Eason on October 28, 2007, 05:32:08 pm There's some allowance with the money getting in. It can be after the Marathon by a few weeks! But preferably before ;d
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Radek Wilkes on October 29, 2007, 01:33:23 am I'm at student at Keele University :D I ain't no Stokie! Whahaha! Nothing wrong with Stoke! *Slap* Me and Dem, are teh kings of this area! You're just intruding! Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Drachir on October 29, 2007, 01:40:38 pm I'll definitely pitch in! That is to say, if I can donate via paypal :D
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Gregor Eason on October 31, 2007, 05:02:00 am Hi guys!
Thank you for your awesome support already for a fellow Covian. I have set up a page on JustGiving; http://www.justgiving.com/sponsorsurya Its like a Charity PayPal! Its fast and secure, and sends the money direct to Lupus UK (so you don't have to worry about the whole "sending me the cheque" thing). And so once more, I ask for your generosity and support in me running this insane marathon! Seems like I'll be writing "For Cove!" on my arm after all ;d Xx Surya/Eason Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: qom_riyadh on October 31, 2007, 06:31:10 am Damn! They aren't accepting Covian gold! Pfff.... ;)
I like this page, well thought! Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Gregor Eason on October 31, 2007, 09:20:13 am Its not totally groovy. My Facebook group has a lot more thorough explanation. I might utilise mah webskillz to make a proper website and link to the JustGiving page from there, as I can only change like.. font sheet with JustGiving.
Thoughts fo'sho :) Heh. Covian Gold? Now there's an idea! *visits Cove to announce his partaking in the Britain Marathon!* ;d;d I did host The Covian Dash event once! That was koool. Whahaha! http://cove.fantasyworld.nl/forum/index.php/topic,4232.0.html Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Calico on November 07, 2007, 06:05:45 am Can't I just stick a 20 in your running shorts? *cheeky grin*
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Gregor Eason on November 07, 2007, 07:04:30 pm :-[
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Khaelieth on November 08, 2007, 12:52:06 am Eason won't be running with shorts, silly woman! It's a nude marathon!
Title: Re: The former Covian goes running Post by: Mela Arkay on November 10, 2007, 06:29:34 pm Can't I just stick a 20 in your running shorts? *cheeky grin* Which i was actually about to say. PICCYZ PLZ.. |