Title: Old UO Music? Post by: Graem Carcer on November 02, 2007, 11:17:14 am Hey all,
Does anyone know where I can get the old (pre-3D/Non-Ultima XI) UO music that was in the game before ilshenar etc? If you know where, or if you have it I'd really appreciate it if you threw it my way! ICQ number is 138-231-193 if you need to contact me about it. Ta! - Grey Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Garak Nightchill on November 02, 2007, 04:15:27 pm Try and track down a copy of an early version of UO (i.e UO, UO:2nd Age or UO:Renaisance). Amazon might have an old copy going cheap. Other than that, Stratics might have it.
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Khaelieth on November 02, 2007, 04:53:03 pm Make a search for Stones=) Stones is an old UO song.
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 02, 2007, 05:58:23 pm i'll see if i can pull them out of my old Renesaince Disk, If I cna i'll get back to you eh? I do remeber I had them for awhile as a playlist for sleeping to.
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Graem Carcer on November 03, 2007, 12:16:01 am Thanks muchly Marcus - Sounds like the kind of thing I'd do with it. Nout like remembering the good old days when I was only a wee lad, terrified of hunting anything that aggro'd, when me and my brothers had to have hourly rotations on the PC :P
Ah how I'd long to be a child again. Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 03, 2007, 01:25:56 am Its no problem, will just take me time to sort the music from some random SFX. Thats if my WMP will automatically extract all the sound files again like it did that one time by accident when it gave me the old Intro movie that included Minax huanting British's dreams lol :D
I'll get on it when the nights over and i'm off work around 7AM then arrange to .zip it and get it to you some how. Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Graem Carcer on November 04, 2007, 12:44:54 am There's an OLDER intro than the avatar kickin' Mondain's ass? I wanna see? :O
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 04, 2007, 02:57:52 am It was the intro for the whole war with minax... Or something. It was kinda added into the intro movie as a fade in. I can make a transcript if ya like, or if I can get the file ripped I'll pas that along with the music. I'm trying to find time in my busy work/sleep schedule of 1900 till 0700 working and from then crashing until 1300 or 1400, I breakfast/lunch at 1500 and get back at 1600 to be at work by 1630. So yeah I don't find much off time :D
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Moraine DiGoraz on November 04, 2007, 11:23:12 pm As far as I know the Avatar kicking Mondain's arse is and has been the UO intro movie ever since the launch.
As for the old UO music, I have them all in midi format (from the original disks). Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 05, 2007, 12:44:05 am yea mine are in MIDI too.. no clue what program i need for play back either :(
Correction: The MINAX section in the intro is not older it was simply included for a time. Think it was part of the Third Dawn Release??? *shrug* my memory isnt what it should be. Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: qom_riyadh on November 05, 2007, 09:49:15 am no clue what program i need for play back either :( www.winamp.com Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 05, 2007, 04:11:49 pm :D Yay for Tech Saavy Geniouses! Thanks Qom!!
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Kado Gael on November 06, 2007, 09:29:59 pm Did you try looking in the installed uo files? I remember finding a whole load of them (Britain song, Moonglow song, Tavern1 Tavern 2, Walk 1 Walk 2.. etc etc..)
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Graem Carcer on November 07, 2007, 01:26:43 am Did you try looking in the installed uo files? I remember finding a whole load of them (Britain song, Moonglow song, Tavern1 Tavern 2, Walk 1 Walk 2.. etc etc..) It's been replaced for the last few years by the Ultima Ascension music :( Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: qom_riyadh on November 07, 2007, 06:28:37 am Not sure, but when I installed the 14 day free client, there were mp3's like Moonglow, Walk1 etc in there
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Graem Carcer on November 08, 2007, 08:19:18 am Not sure, but when I installed the 14 day free client, there were mp3's like Moonglow, Walk1 etc in there Do you still have a hold on 'em? :O Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: qom_riyadh on November 08, 2007, 08:21:14 am I'll check at home, tho I was browsing thru that dir yesterday so some mp3's are still there.
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: qom_riyadh on November 10, 2007, 02:25:01 pm Okay, this is the list of mp3's I've found.
The list contains date of creation and size of the file, so you can compare if it's the same as you possibly have. 2004-09-25 15:01 452 648 Ambrosia.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Ambrosia.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 147 538 Boattravel.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Boattravel.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 317 230 Britain1.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Britain1.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 431 123 Britainpos.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Britainpos.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 475 845 Bucsden.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Bucsden.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 1 922 611 Citynightedit.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Citynightedit.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 848 980 ConversationWithGwenno.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/ConversationWithGwenno.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 469 994 Cove.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Cove.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 164 256 Deathtune.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Deathtune.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 400 194 Dragonshi.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Dragonshi.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 466 859 Dragonslo.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Dragonslo.mp3) 2005-08-11 11:37 4 803 523 dread_horn_area.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/dread_horn_area.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 464 351 Dungeon.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Dungeon.mp3) 2005-08-15 01:12 12 857 596 elf_city_1.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/elf_city_1.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 423 809 Gargoyles.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Gargoyles.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 1 028 506 GoodEndGame.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/GoodEndGame.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 406 255 Goodevil.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Goodevil.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 912 313 GoodVsEvil.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/GoodVsEvil.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 1 015 748 GreatEarthSerpentsTheme.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/GreatEarthSerpentsTheme.mp3) 2005-08-11 11:38 4 807 702 grizzle_dungeon.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/grizzle_dungeon.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 504 475 Humanoids.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Humanoids.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 599 258 HumanoidsU9.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/HumanoidsU9.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 293 406 Jhelom.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Jhelom.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 142 732 Lbc.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Lbc.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 288 808 Linelle.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Linelle.mp3) 2005-08-11 11:38 4 803 523 melisandes_lair.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/melisandes_lair.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 549 736 MinocNegative.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/MinocNegative.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 532 061 Minocpos.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Minocpos.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 482 532 Moonglowpos.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Moonglowpos.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 499 878 Newmagincia.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Newmagincia.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 434 676 Nujelm.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Nujelm.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 784 926 Overlordv2.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Overlordv2.mp3) 2005-08-11 11:38 4 806 657 paroxysmus_lair.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/paroxysmus_lair.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 914 393 Paws.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Paws.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 388 910 Pubtune.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Pubtune.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 385 357 Scarabreapos.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Scarabreapos.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 1 752 804 SelimsBar.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/SelimsBar.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 1 861 798 Stones.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Stones.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 1 087 528 Stones1.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Stones1.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 1 819 584 Taiko.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Taiko.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 180 975 Tavern1.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Tavern1.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 147 120 Tavern2.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Tavern2.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 147 747 Tavern3.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Tavern3.mp3) 2007-01-16 17:02 2 003 824 TheWanderer.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/TheWanderer.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 711 365 TokunoDungeon.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/TokunoDungeon.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 490 474 Trinsicpos.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Trinsicpos.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 385 566 Turfin.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Turfin.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 2 282 586 UltimaVIISerpentIsleCombat.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/UltimaVIISerpentIsleCombat.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 448 887 Valoriapos.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Valoriapos.mp3) 2005-09-13 21:24 946 167 ValoriaShips.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/ValoriaShips.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 295 705 Vesper1.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Vesper1.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 141 896 Victory.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Victory.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 2 751 215 Walking.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Walking.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 282 539 Yew1.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Yew1.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 480 652 Yewpos.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Yewpos.mp3) 2004-09-25 15:01 1 187 421 Zento.mp3 (http://uostuff.talw.org/uo_music/Zento.mp3) All of those files are available for download. Copyright notice: Since all of those files are freely available with the 14-day free trial, I think that no copyrights are broken with sharing these files. Also, check this link: http://dor-lomin.com/archive/ultima/musicarchive/uo/ Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Graem Carcer on November 12, 2007, 03:30:18 am It's a good effort Qom and doesn't go unappreciated; but these are all the Ultima Ascension (9 / IX) music files they threw into UO when they launched UO3D.
The music I'm after are the old midi's from pre-3D UO Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 12, 2007, 04:40:16 am If I had a way to host the MIDI files I would, I copied all the music out of UO: Renesaince.
Sadly I don't know much about running HTML or webdesign :( If I had win.zip I'd offer to cram it into an E-mail.... *shrug* Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Khaelieth on November 12, 2007, 09:08:58 am Get the win zip trial thing and send them=)
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: Marcus Kobra on November 12, 2007, 09:51:19 am my connections too ..... yes its slow to say the least... i have trouble DLing anything. UO:ML client took 26 hours straight and still didn't work.... >:( So i dont know if i'm up for this task... till i have some time off work...
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: userjosh5368 on November 12, 2007, 12:47:11 pm I think there's a link on the GRD forums Megumi, not sure somewhere on the OOC board if you check
Title: Re: Old UO Music? Post by: qom_riyadh on November 12, 2007, 01:11:54 pm If you have windows XP, it can create a .zip archive out of anything.
1. select the desired files 2. right-click on one of them 3. choose 'send to->compressed folder (*.zip)' A new file will be created, named after the first file of the selected ones. Lemme know if/when ready, I'll pm you my email. |