Title: Covetous Hunt... And A Little More Recruiting! Post by: Raiden Morana on November 03, 2007, 01:49:48 pm Attended by:
Raiden, Grenadier Captain (leading) Tamara, Guardsman Recruit Confident that she had the basics down I led Guardsman Recruit Tamara to the Covetous mines to see how she would fair in combat. I briefed her at the entrance before we entered. She followed her orders well and proved useful indeed with a bow in her hands as we made short work of the feathered wenches and headless beasts that stalk the mines. (http://xs221.xs.to/xs221/07446/tamhunt.jpg) We came across another adventurer called Karl, who was honing his fledgling combat skills so I promptly handed him a recruitment leaflet and encouraged him to persue a career in the Covian army. After we said farewell to Karl we bashed a few more harpies before heading back to the barracks where I too turned in for the evening and let Guardsman Recruit Tamara get acquainted with her new surroundings. *signed* Raiden, Grenadier Captain. |